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Bilateral deal-making involving governments of Latin America, the US and Canada.

last update: May 2012

Photo: rabble / CC BY-SA 2.0

Trade agreements would boost state’s pork industry
When it comes to U.S. trade policy, in recent years it has seemed more difficult to gain bipartisan agreement among American policy-makers than to negotiate with foreign governments.
Talking with the US president and investors about globalisation
In two weeks (June 19-21), CARICOM Prime Ministers will meet with President George W. Bush, in Washington. CARICOM officials will also meet with the Caribbean diaspora at the Conference of the Caribbean: A 20:20 Vision.
EU trade with Latin America sets new record
European trade with Latin America will grow as a result of growing interest among companies on each side of the Atlantic, as will European investment in the region, which is already growing significantly. And while free trade agreements with Central America and the Andean Community will help boost EU trade with Latin America, the big prize is Mercosur.
The unanimous opinion
We are witnessing, on the hemispheric and Latin American scene, a growing insurgency regarding the predominance of neoliberalism.
Dominican Republic, Grand Caribbean headed for free trade
The Central American Integration System’s (SICA) 22 member countries and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) last Saturday have announced the start of negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement between the two blocs as a first step to continue advancing towards an association pact.
Cuba hosts anti-FTA meeting
The sixth Hemispheric Meeting to Fight Free Trade Agreements and for integration of the peoples began sessions at Havana Convention Center on Thursday.
US Commerce Secy urges passing of LatAm trade pacts
Failure by the US Congress to approve free trade agreements with Latin American countries will have “huge political consequences” in the region, US Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez warned Monday.
Michigan pays high price for free trade agreements
As a proud Michigan native, I’m angry about the dire financial conditions facing the state and its families. Michigan has fallen from its boom days primarily because our good-paying manufacturing jobs have been exported.
Barbados expanding investment treaties
Barbados is moving to expand its list of investment treaties with European and developing countries in Africa, the Western Hemisphere and the Indian Ocean.
Dominican negotiators head for talks on free trade with Europe
The Coordinating Office for Trade Negotiations is in charge of taking the country into a free trade deal with the European Union before the end of the year.


  • Americans For Free Trade
    A broad coalition of American businesses, trade organizations, and workers united against tariffs.
  • Americas Policy Program
    The Americas Program of the Center for International Policy is a leading source of information for activists, academics and citizens concerned about US foreign policy toward Latin America and movements for social justice within the hemisphere.
  • Biodiversidad en América Latina
  • Bloque Verde
    No hay ambiente para el TLC en Costa Rica
  • Citizens Trade Campaign - Bilateral Agreements
    The Citizens Trade Campaign is a US coalition of environmental, labor, consumer, family farm, religious, and other civil society groups founded in 1992 during the fight over the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
  • Consejo de Investigaciones e Información en Desarrollo -CIID -
    Institución que impulsa el desarrollo de Guatemala y Centroamérica, a través de la investigación y la promoción de programas de desarrollo
  • Costa Rica Solidaria - NO al TLC
    Esta semana lo más relevante de nuestra lucha
  • Ecuador contra el TLC - Movilizaciones de Marzo 2006
  • GMA
    The Grocery Manufacturers of America is a major lobby group on US FTAs
  • LATN
    The Latin American Trade Network is an independent and interdisciplinary research network
  • Movimiento Cultura frente al TLC
    El Movimiento Cultura frente al TLC es un colectivo de artistas que viaja por las comunidades llevando música, teatro, poesía, danza, pintura y talleres, informando a l@s costarricenses sobre las graves consecuencias que tendría para nuestro país la aplicación del Tratado de "Libre" "Comercio" (TLC)
  • NFTC
    The National Foreign Trade Council is a US business organisation lobbying the US government on its foreign trade policy
  • Trrade for People and Planet
    We want trade deals to be democratic, to benefit working people and the environment. We need to revolutionize the trade model and create a new global economy based on collaboration and ecological well-being.
  • US State Department Office of Bilateral Trade Affairs
    The Office of Bilateral Trade Affairs ensures that the overall foreign policy goals of the U.S. Government are factored into the development of U.S. bilateral trade policy.
  • US-Japan Business Council
    USJBC has been pushing for a US-Japan FTA
  • USTR
  • USTR National Trade Estimate Report
    Annual assessment of obstacles to US trade interests in foreign countries