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COAG criticizes French Azura for selling Saharawi tomatoes
The Spanish agrarian organisation COAG is convinced that the impending EU-Moroccan agricultural trade liberalisation agreement could be illegal for implicitly including Western Sahara. COAG has now condemned French company Azura’s presence in the occupied territories.
Canada-Morocco trade talks key to durum sales: CWB
Canada and Morocco said on Thursday they will start talks on a free-trade agreement, a deal that the Canadian Wheat Board says is vital to maintaining its sales of durum wheat.
Maroc : accord de libéralisation
Après le statut avancé, le Maroc vient de signer un accord de libéralisation dans le domaine de la pêche et des produits agricoles avec l’Union européenne.
Spanish farmers object EU tomato deal in Western Sahara
The EU could be signing an Agricultural Agreement with Morocco that also covers the territory of Western Sahara. The Spanish farmers demand that the agreement be stopped.
Violence in W.Sahara raises concerns on EU fish pact
Moroccan security force action against protesters in Western Sahara has boosted opposition in the EU to a treaty that would allow European fishing in waters off the territory, activists and EU lawmakers said on Tuesday.
Tomato protectionism
The agriculture Ministers of independent Spanish Islands (Valencia, Canary and Maurice) are asking The European Parliament to freeze and suspend the trade agreement between the EU and Morocco concerning tomatoes and dairy products.
Draft decision on EU-Morocco bilateral trade agreement for food and fisheries products adopted
"The agreement will reinforce the position of European ag exporters on the Moroccan market, representing a major offensive interest for the EU," says the European Commission
France, Spain, Italy jointly ask to quit EU-Morocco FTA
The fresh produce organizations members of the Joint French-Spanish-Italian Committee wrote to the European Parliament to claim their vote against the renewal of the EU-Morocco Association Agreement.
EU-Morocco food products agreement
After four years of intensive negotiations between the European Union and Morocco, the agreement on trade in food products has been initialed. It still needs to be concluded after adoption by the European Council of Ministers and the European Parliament. And yet, this initiative is not receiving unanimous support.
Wheat Board eager for Canada-Morocco trade deal
US farmers will gain duty-free access for their grain in 2016 because of the US-Morocco free-trade deal. "Canadian farmers really need a similar deal to level the playing field," says the Canadian Wheat Board.
EU-Morocco: Accord on agricultural trade liberalisation
The accord, Brussels explained, reinforces the position of European exporters in the Moroccan market, above all in the processed food sector.
Spanish claim Moroccan fraud
Fepex, the association which represents Spanish exporters, has claimed that fraud is taking place in import activity of tomatoes from Morocco into the EU, making a mockery of the constraints of the existing Association Agreement.
US trade deals open markets – GAO
The US Government Accountability Office says bilateral free trade agreements signed by the United States work: they deliver new market opportunities for America’s agriculture sector.
Accord de libre échange entre le Maroc et le Canada
Le Canada et le Maroc ont tenu, à Ottawa du 1er au 03 juin, la seconde session des discussions exploratoires sur la possibilité de négocier un accord de libre échange entre les deux pays.
Morocco, Canada mull free trade agreement
Canada and Morocco held in Ottawa June 1-3 the second session of exploratory discussions on the possibility to negotiate a free trade agreement between the two countries.
Morocco/Canada FTA discussions hailed
Talks that may lead to free trade negotiations between Canada and Morocco may help protect a major export market for Canadian durum and pulse crop exports, ag groups said this week.
EU-Moroccan deal "illegal" - UN expert
Former UN Legal Counsel Hans Corell calls the EU-Morocco Fisheries Partnership Agreement illegal because it includes the waters off Moroccan-occupied Western Sahara.
AU brushes aside colonialism under its nose
The European Union is veering toward condoning colonialism. Worse, the African Union hardly notices. Meanwhile, the United Nations limps in pursuit of Morocco-occupied Western Sahara’s de-colonisation.
Swedish MPs demands stopping EU agreement with Morocco
Several Swedish parliamentarians from one of the parties in the Swedish government, have motioned that the Swedish Government should work to prevent the EU from signing any new agreements or agreements of advanced status with Morocco "as long as the country occupies Western Sahara".