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UGTT to hold workshop on prospects and challenges of trade union action under AfCFTA
The Tunisian General Labour Union (UGTT) is organising a workshop on “the prospects and challenges of trade union action under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA): Opportunities and risks.»
African Union sees ‘huge potential’ for trade with Turkey
There is a huge potential when it comes to expanding and deepening relations between Turkey and African countries, the African Union’s commissioner for economic development, trade, industry and mining said.
How Nigerian brands can win in Africa, against all odds
Insights on how local Nigerian brands can become regional and pan African giants by leveraging opportunities that AFCFTA provides. The role of government and private sector investors in this drive.
AfCFTA holds key to strengthening UAE-Africa trade
The new African Continental Free Trade Area is not only a symbol of the continent’s business resilience but is rapidly reshaping global as well as intra-Africa trade to deepen the longstanding relationship between Africa and Dubai.
Africa-Turkey forum to promote investment and trade under AfCFTA
On October 21 to 22, Turkish and African leaders together with corporate business directors, industrialist and investors are meeting under the theme “Deepening Turkey-Africa Strategic Partnership: Trade, Investment, Technology and Logistics”.
Tariffs, rules of origin new hurdles to Africa’s trade area
A meeting held at the AfCFTA headquarters in Accra found that without these provisions no trade can take place.
Algeria-Morocco rift another blow to Africa’s free trade aspirations
Algerian Foreign Affairs Minister Ramtane Lamamra’s announcement on 24 August of a new break in diplomatic relations with Morocco is another setback for free trade and free movement on the continent.
AfCFTA Secretariat signs landmark agreement with UK Government
The African Continental Free Trade Area Secretariat has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the United Kingdom Government to formalise shared commitment to the success of the agreement.
EAC Secretary General urges AfCFTA Secretariat to adapt a private sector-led and people-centered approach to boost intra-African trade
The East African Community Secretary General urged the AfCFTA Secretariat to adapt an integration approach that is people-centred, market-driven and private sector-led, to ensure African citizens benefit from the continental agreement.
Africa: China’s trade with the continent grows to record highs
Trade between China and Africa almost doubled between 2020 and 2021, and over the last 20 years trade between China and the region has increased twenty-fold.
The UK has committed to making Africa’s landmark trade agreement successful
James Duddridge, the UK’s minister for Africa, signed a memorandum of understanding with Wamkele Mene, the secretary-general of the Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) secretariat.
Tanzania ratifies Africa free trade area treaty
Tanzania on Thursday ratified the agreement establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), effectively joining a pact connecting countries with a total gross domestic product of $3.4 trillion.
Ministry of Trade justifies agreement that gives EU 80 percent access to Ghanaian market
The Ministry of Trade and Industry says it will not allow Ghana to become a dumping ground for goods from the UK following the Ghana-UK.
AfCFTA: Nasarawa marks 270,000 hectres for commercial agriculture
The Nasarawa State government has announced that it has marked over 270,000 hectres of land for the purpose of purely commercial agriculture to earn foreign exchange for the state through the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).
Examining trade disputes in AfCFTA agreement: The need to engage private sector in Nigeria
AfCFTA roundtable brought together business leaders, academia, government representatives, trade, and legal experts to discuss and deliberate on dispute issues in implementing the agreement in Nigeria.
A turning point for Dubai-Africa trade
Dubai’s trade with Africa has grown by leaps and bounds over the last decade, thanks to several important developments that have established new business links between the emirate and promising markets across the continent.
What’s going on between African nations and the EU?
African leaders still have incentives to maintain the partnership between the two continents, not least because of the trade links and development assistance Europe offers. But they also have a strong interest in revising that relationship.
Rich countries want to strike trade deals in Africa
There is a sense of drift in Africa’s trade relations with the West, as both America and Europe rethink how they do business with the continent. The old approach was paternalistic and gave Africans little say. But the new one, handled badly, could put Africa’s own integration at risk.
China Is the biggest winner from Africa’s new free trade bloc
AfCFTA was supposed to usher in a new era of continental trade and economic growth—but Beijing’s not letting that happen.
African social movements demand that AU suspends undemocratic and pro-industry seed and GMO guidelines and processes
More than 50 African groups denounce how the African Union is using the African Continental Free Trade Area as a justification to push the seed harmonisation agenda.