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Eight lessons on imperatives of private sector-driven AfCFTA
It appears from all indications that the African private sector is either kept at the back door or yet to be given a pride of place in the AfCFTA process.
Nigeria may lose over 60% port revenue to AfCFTA, common ECOWAS tariff
The implementation of common ECOWAS tariff will make Nigeria lose businesses because it means that once a tariff is paid in one country, no other tariff will be paid in any other country in West Africa.
Zambia will only sign up for African Free Trade Area after thorough engagements with local stakeholders
Trade Minister welcomes collaborations from various partners to create awareness and prepare the private sector and the common man for the agreement.
Most favoured nation (MFN) clause, the Africa’s Continental Free-Trade Agreement and the interim Economic Partnership Agreements of Ivory Coast and Ghana
The MFN clause of their interim Economic Partnership Agreements obliges Ivory Coast and Ghana to extend to the EU the tariff advantages granted in the Africa’s Continental Free Trade Area.
Interview with Ndongo Samba Sylla
Dr Ndongo Samba Sylla is an economist, researcher and programme officer at the Office for West Africa at the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. In this interview, he analyses the African Continental Free Trade Area
African free trade, China’s ‘Silk Road’ big window for continent
China, being Africa’s largest trading partner, is a key factor and beneficiary of the continent’s development.
African Continental Free Trade Area: questions & answers
Compiled by the African Trade Policy Centre (ATPC) of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) in association with the African Union Commission
SA wants more clarity before signing African free trade plan
The SA government wants more clarity on details related to the African Continent Free Trade Area. Unions warned that the agreement could lead to job losses.
African Union plans another summit In July for countries unsure about FTA
The African Union is to hold another summit in Mauritania in July when countries with reservations about signing the African Continental Free Trade Area agreement can make their choice.
Zambia says not ready for some protocols of continental free trade agreement
Zambia did not sign the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) as it was still conducting internal negotiations on some protocols in the agreement.
44 African nations sign pact establishing free trade area: AU
The creation of a free trade area — billed as the world’s largest in terms of participating countries — comes after two years of negotiations, and is one of the AU’s flagship projects for greater African integration.
Uganda to review Africa Free Trade Area pact
Uganda, in many ways like Nigeria, will investigate concerns by a sector of the business community before making major commitments.
FG commences wider consultations on CFTA
Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari said his government has already commenced wider consultations on the Africa Continental Free Trade Area, CFTA.
Uganda will not sign either African free trade agreement soon
It is not yet clear why Museveni decided to cancel the trip, but local commentators believe that this suggests the deterioration of relations between Kigali and Kampala.
Nigeria skips African summit in blow to free trade deal
Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari will not attend the African Union summit in Rwanda because certain key stakeholders in Nigeria indicated that they had not been consulted.
MAN cautions FG on free trade agreements
The Manufacturers Association of Nigeria urges the Nigerian government not succumb to the pressure by the European Union to sign the EU-ECOWAS Economic Partnership Agreement as well as the African Continental Free Trade Area.
Don’t sign CFTA, Labour; ex-NACCIMMA boss, others beg Buhari
Organised labour pleaded with President Muhammadu Buhari not to sign the African Continental Free Trade Agreement CFTA.
African trade ministers approve Free Trade Area in Kigali summit
Africa Ministers of Trade have approved an agreement to give local traders access to the continental trade market.
Extraordinary summit to be held on Africa’s CFTA this March
An extraordinary summit of the African Union is scheduled to be held in Kigali, Rwanda on 21 March 2018 to consider and sign the Framework Agreement Establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA).