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Joint press statement: Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership Agreement
On 1 September 2005, Mr. Junichiro Koizumi, Prime Minister of Japan and Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand met in Tokyo to jointly announce that agreement in principle has been reached between the Japanese side and the Thai side on all major elements of the Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership Agreement, on the basis of a series of negotiations since February 2004.
Thai FTA defers sticking points
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi and his visiting Thai counterpart, Thaksin Shinawatra, agreed Thursday on a basic accord to lower mutual trade barriers that left key decisions on high tariffs on Japanese cars and Thai rice unresolved.
Benefits and costs of FTAs
Negotiations on bilateral free trade agreements (FTAs) are going on at a blazing speed worldwide. Not much is known on how these talks are going. But they have a lot of effects on local industries and farms, on medicine prices and on what can be included in future development strategies.
Japan urged to compromise more in FTA talks
ASEAN General Secretary Ong Keng Yong has called on Japan make more compromises in free trade talks between the country and the regional grouping.
Bilateral agreements imposing TRIPS-plus intellectual property rights on biodiversity in developing countries
A detailed roster of FTAs and other bilateral agreements that impose "TRIPS-plus" standards with regard to biological diversity in developing countries.
No FTA with Australia: Japanese minister
Japan’s Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister Mineichi Iwanaga says Japan has no intention of concluding a free-trade agreement with Australia.
In the trade zone: Georgians assess effects of CAFTA deal
Georgia’s poultry industry is gearing up to ship more frozen chicken abroad under the Central American Free Trade Agreement, while parts of the state’s textile industry also stand to gain.
The Thai-US FTA and its impacts on Thai Jasmine rice and biological resources
The National Human Rights Commission of Thailand (NHRC) has expressed its concern over ongoing negotiations on the Thai-US Free Trade Agreement, particularly on the issues of intellectual property rights.
Terrorism, agriculture and US-India cooperation
Terrorism and agriculture are among the issues raised in the joint India-US Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement issued on 18 July 2005 during Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh’s meeting with President Bush.
Somkid: FTA with Japan hinges on rule changes for farm goods
Commerce Minister Somkid Jatusripitak - under pressure from local businesses - yesterday assured them that the government would not sign a free-trade pact with Japan unless it is satisfied with terms concerning rules of origin for farm goods.
Free trade showdown: How long can Panama hold out for an agreement that reflects its own national interests?
DR-CAFTA’s narrow victory will incite US domestic producers’ lobbies to exert heavier pressure to get a US-Panama agreement more favorable to US industry.
Washington likely to press for opening of beef market
The United States is very likely to ask Thailand to further open its market for beef under the two countries’ planned free trade area (FTA) agreement, in order to stay competitive with rival Australia.
FTA fine print remains a big hurdle
Bilateral free-trade agreements typically revolve around discussions of quotas and tariffs and the principle of market access for traders. But an even more crucial component is rules of origin. In the end, an agreement without clear, practical and fair rules is nothing but a can of food with no opener _ you know the food is in there, you just can’t eat it.
Sticky situation for Japan’s rice policy
As Japan moves to sign more bilateral Free Trade Agreements, agriculture remains a sticking point with other rice producing nations such as Australia, India and China.
2 Minnesotans hold CAFTA cards
In a showdown that could be a defining moment in President Bush’s second term, Congress is preparing to vote this week on the proposed Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). And all eyes are on two Republican congressmen from Minnesota.
Benefits of US, Thai free trade agreement examined
The US is currently the top supplier to Thailand of agricultural products and the US-Thai FTA is expected "to further open and diversify sales for these and other products, such as beef and pork, to this major market for US farmers and ranchers," a US Department of Commerce statement said.
Free trade deal with US hinges on RP agricultural sector proposal
The likelihood of forging the US-Philippines free trade agreement (FTA) largely hinges on the Philippine agricultural sector in folding into the proposal.
EU hopes to reach free trade agreement with Mercosur in 2006
The European Union hopes to reach a free trade agreement with Latin American trade group Mercosur by May 2006. But some Brazilian diplomats said Brazil wishes to delay the signing of the agreement till the end of the Doha round so as to seek more concessions from the EU on issues regarding agricultural products.
Pros, cons of free trade with Thailand heard
Questions regarding opening up the market for sugar imports was a feature of Monday’s teleconference involving Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., and members of the Thailand delegation.
Better China links needed
Local businesses are being urged to set up distribution centres in China to take better advantage of the country’s free trade area (FTA) pact with Thailand.