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Fast track Australian FTA with China: farmers
Australian grain growers, who stood to gain billions of dollars in new trade targeting the Chinese food and livestock sectors, are demanding that the federal government fast track a free trade deal with China.
Japan: FTA deals deadlocked
Japan’s separate negotiations with Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia and South Korea for bilateral free trade agreements have run into a brick wall.
Japan, Thailand to exclude rice from FTA
Japan and Thailand have agreed to leave out rice from a planned bilateral free trade agreement (FTA), a breakthrough that could see a deal agreed by the end of the year, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun said yesterday.
Thai civil groups want IP off trade-talks agenda with US
Civil groups yesterday called for intellectual property (IP) to be excluded from the second round of the Thai-US Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiation because of fears it would give unjustified protection to rich IP developers at the expense of Thais.
Bilateral & regional negotiations on agriculture: competitive liberalization or protectionist confusion?
Synoptic review of what is happening with US trade talks on agriculture, outside the WTO
Alert from Via Campesina Brazil on EU-Mercosur negotiations
From September 20th to 24th the negotiators for Mercosul [Mercado Común del Sur] met in Brussels. Among them were the negotiators from Brazil and the European Union to make bids on tariffs and integration processes.
EU-Mercosur: EU presents completed offer to Mercosur
In the on-going negotiations for an EU-Mercosur Association Agreement, the EU has today sent Mercosur a completed offer.
US-Dominican Republic FTA plan suspended
The U.S. government has suspended plans to ratify a free-trade agreement with the Dominican Republic after lawmakers passed a 25 percent import tax on corn syrup last week, a top U.S. official said Monday.
Farmers risk violating US patents
Thai farmers risk being held liable for patent violations under patent application rights for genetically modified (GM) papaya being considered by American biotechnologists working with Thai scientists, experts said yesterday.
Taking liberties - new Christian Aid report
This bold new report from Christian Aid explodes the myth that free trade is the answer to poverty.
We denounce the Korea-Japan FTA
The governments of Korea and Japan have come together today, 350km away from Seoul, for their fifth negotiation to consolidate a free trade agreement (FTA) between the two countries. Ever since the negotiations were initiated last December, many NGOs and people’s organizations have shown concern over the planned FTA.
Thai dairy farmers make U-turn on FTA plan
Key dairy farmers are making a U-turn in their FTA strategy and are now seeking financial, technical and marketing assistance from the big players Australia and New Zealand.
Sugar beet farmers frame presidential election with troublesome trade deal
Sugar beet farmers in a rural Minnesota district that turned out solidly for President Bush in 2000 are having second thoughts about his re-election now that the administration is supporting a trade agreement they see as a threat.
Rough going for D.R. free-trade agreement
U.S. corn producers complained to U.S. Trade Representative Robert Zoellick after the Dominican Republic (D.R.) Congress decided to impose a 25% surcharge on imports of cheaper U.S. corn syrup for use as a sweetener.
Japan, Mexico ink landmark accord
After months of drawn-out negotiations, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi Friday signed an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with Mexican President Vicente Fox.
Thaksin pushes Thai-Japan FTA
Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said he has asked the Japanese government to help develop a Thai-Japan free trade area (FTA) agreement with Thailand agreeing to Japan’s plan to set rice and beef as sensitive products categories.
EU-SA trade deal set for a tune-up
It has been almost five years since SA and the European Union (EU) last sealed a bilateral trade agreement and the current deal comes up for review in November.
Farm tariffs, IPRs seen as main obstacles to US-Andean FTA
Tariffs on agricultural products and definitions of intellectual property rights, particularly for pharmaceuticals, are shaping up as the most contentious issues in the free trade negotiations between the United States and three Andean nations, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.
EU, Israel resolve trade dispute over settlements
Goods produced in Israeli settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip will no longer be allowed to enter the European Union tariff-free under an agreement initialed on Thursday.
China-ASEAN agro trade on fast track
The trade of agricultural produce between China and her ASEAN neighbours has benefitted from an early-harvest programme that was put in place earlier this year.