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A critical look at pending free trade agreements
We sift through the facts and myths of free trade agreements with Laura Carlsen, director of the Americas Program of the Center for International Policy and a columnist for Foreign Policy in Focus.
The Activist Beat
On Labor Day, 500 activists took to the streets of Chicago to speak out against the US free trade agreement with Pacific Rim countries, including Peru, Chile, and Vietnam. Advocates from labor, environmental, public health, and consumer rights groups took part to demand a “Fair Deal or No Deal.”
Pacific’s Chief Trade Advisor resigns with a warning for Australia
The Pacific’s Chief Trade Advisor has resigned with a warning that unless Australia and New Zealand act soon to put something of value on the table for the PACER plus trade negotiations, the talks risk falling over.
Hundreds gather outside the White House to protest the Colombia free trade agreement
Hundreds gathered outside the White House on Monday to protest the Colombia free trade agreement, which they say will kill jobs here, and threaten communities in Colombia.
No strings needed on funding for OCTA - NGOs
A number of Australian non government organisation say they are concerned that Australia and New Zealand want to limit the activities of the Pacific-led trade advisory body, the Office of Chief Trade Adviser — also known as OCTA.
Colombian free trade deal ignores violence, faces Colombian resistance
Congress is poised to ratify a Free Trade Agreement with Colombia in spite of vehement opposition both here in the US and in Colombia.
India-EU FTA carries severe public health consequences
After four years of talks, India and the European Union are narrowing down their differences on a bilateral Free Trade Agreement that critics in India and elsewhere say could have a devastating impact on public health by hampering access to life-saving drugs for millions of people.
Firsthand look at FTA’s
A group of farmers and ranchers from the US’s largest farm organization will be heading to South and Central America to show support for pending free trade agreements with Colombia and Panama.
Free trade deal with Europe threatens Canadian autonomy
Stuart Trew tells Redeye that Canadians have a lot to lose if the government signs a free trade agreement with Europe.
Ghana to sign interim EPA agreement with EU
Ghana will go ahead and sign an Interim Economic Partnership Agreement (IEPA) with the European Union this year following the lack of progress at the ECOWAS level.
Maroc : accord de libéralisation
Après le statut avancé, le Maroc vient de signer un accord de libéralisation dans le domaine de la pêche et des produits agricoles avec l’Union européenne.
"No Ordinary Deal" book launch & PM response
On Wednesday 10 November a group of academics, media and politicos gathered at Victoria University’s Rutherford House to launch a remarkable book about the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The complete audio from the launch is contained in this report.
Mexico slaps tariff on US products in truck dispute
Mexico slapped new tariffs on some US pork and cheese products on Wednesday, the latest in a long-running spat between the two nations over US refusal to permit Mexican truckers to cross the border.
Timing isn’t everything in free trade deals
A former Australian trade negotiator says farmers should not be concerned that trade deals have not been signed with three key Australian export markets.
Taiwan fears China trade deal could cost jobs
Unions in Taiwan say they fear there could be huge job losses if a proposed free trade agreement is signed with mainland China. Talks on the deal are scheduled for next week between senior officials from Beijing and Taipei.
Australia continues to harbour concern over Pacific trade talks
Australia has been hoping that this week’s Pacific Islands Forum leaders meeting will approve the formal start of negotiations on the proposed PACER-Plus regional free trade deal. But for months Canberra has been rejecting growing claims by regional opponents of a deal that its been unfairly pressuring Pacific nations to agree to the process.
Stop the lethal repression against indigenous Peruvians
Call on the government of Alan Garcia to end the massacre of the indigenous peoples of Peru, and to pay for its crimes.
Unequal partners
Conversations on the EU-India FTA
Free trade agreements pushed by Grassley, pork produce
The National Pork Producers Council is pushing for passage of the Panama Free Trade Agreement, saying it will level the playing field for U.S. pork producers.
Amazon protests against free trade
Free trade protests are growing in Peru. A group of indigenous activists began demonstrating in April against the FTA with the United States, claiming the agreement robs them of their land and resource rights - instead selling rights to oil, mining, logging and agricultural companies.