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China, Australia inch closer to FTA talks
China and Australia may be one step nearer to launching talks on a free trade agreement (FTA), and a feasibility study to be released this month strongly proposes the deal.
Australia: Push to free up Japan on trade
John Howard will ask Japan to support an official feasibility study as the first substantial step towards a bilateral free trade agreement when he visits Tokyo next month.
China fears FTA’s impact on farming
As the prospect of Australia and China negotiating a free trade agreement (FTA) appears increasingly likely, China has flagged that Australian farmers may not get all they wish for.
Music case to test US-Australia FTA laws
The music industry’s legal assault on BitTorrent file sharing will provide the first major test of new laws designed to limit ISPs’ liability for copyright breaches by their customers.
Howard cautious on China FTA
Prime Minister John Howard said tonight Australia would continue to have strong trade links to China even if a free trade agreement could not be settled.
Australia eyes free-trade deal with UAE as ’launchpad’ for access to Middle East
Australia and the United Arab Emirates agreed Tuesday to begin negotiations on a bilateral free-trade agreement (FTA) that Canberra said would be a "launchpad" for expanded business opportunities across the Middle East.
Aussie BitTorrent case to test Aust-US FTA
Warner Music Australia and other record companies are suing ISP Swiftel Communications for copyright infringement for allegedly hosting and maintaining two Internet computer servers and a Web site called Archie’s Hub which deploys the BitTorrent application. The case is the first to test legislation passed to enact the Australian-United States Free Trade Agreement.
UAE and Australia begin talks on FTA
The UAE and Australia are about to begin negotiations on a free trade agreement, officials said at a press conference yesterday.
China human rights not FTA issue: Downer
Australia should not try to raise human rights issues with China if formal talks about a free trade agreement begin, Foreign Minister Alexander Downer says. "You won’t get the free trade agreement and you won’t get any improvements in human rights."
Howard eyes Chinese free trade deal
Prime Minister John Howard says there is a good chance Australia will begin negotiating with China on a free trade deal. China is Australia’s third largest trading partner and the Government says if an agreement is signed it could be worth tens of billions of dollars to the Australian economy.
Conference on free trade agreement in Melbourne
Australia will be hosting a conference on the Australia-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement on March 10 in Melbourne. The conference, which is organised by Monash University, is supported by the Australian Government.
FTA with China may take five years
A free trade deal with China may take up to five years to negotiate but it will cover contentious areas including cuts to Australia’s textile and clothing tariffs.
Australia, NZ, ASEAN start free trade talks
Australia began talks on a free-trade pact with New Zealand and the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) on Monday, but said it still backed multilateral efforts to cut trade barriers.
Trade links can fight terrorists
More open trade links between Australia and the Asia-Pacific can play a major role in fighting terrorism throughout the region, Treasurer Peter Costello said today.
WTO wrong to abandon core values
Free trade agreements are popping up everywhere. In its first term the Bush administration pushed four through Congress and started another three. China is negotiating FTAs with Chile and New Zealand. And Australia has negotiated three with Washington, Singapore and Thailand, and is in the process of dealing with Beijing. Not everyone thinks they are good.
The case for a China trade deal
The Howard Government is moving inevitably towards a free trade agreement with China. That is no bad thing. In the absence of any meaningful progress at the World Trade Organisation, a medium-sized economy such as Australia has few options but to pursue bilateral pacts with powerhouse economies such as China.
When FTA spells BSE: Trading away our food safety
Australia is fortunate to be one of few countries to remain free of BSE, the degenerative brain disease in cattle that causes the deadly variant CJD in people. But the Free Trade Agreement recently signed with the United States may change this.
US yet to act on FTA amendments
The United States has yet to follow through on threats to challenge amendments made to the US-Australia Free Trade Agreement.
Vaile defends trade deals
Trade Minister Mark Vaile today defended Australia’s free trade deals with foreign countries after a new World Trade Organisation (WTO) report said such agreements could be discriminatory.
Free trade: Time to take your partners
Queensland could reap $1b a year from the Free Trade Agreement with the US, but it’s not going to be easy.