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Vying for leadership, Lula heads north, Chávez south
Political and economic alliances with a view to strengthening Latin American integration are subtly shifting with a growing distance between Chávez and Lula
Unapologetic Venezuela urges Brazil, Paraguay to approve entry into Mercosur
Brazil wants a "goodwill gesture" from Venezuela before its Congress votes it into the Mercosur trade bloc, but President Hugo Chavez’s government indicated Thursday it won’t be extending an olive branch any time soon.
India and Brazil float CEOs forum
India and Brazil, on Monday, floated a forum of Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) to facilitate both countries achieving a bi-lateral trade of $10 billion by 2010 with the visiting Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva asserting that the new world economic order cannot be negotiated without taking on board two of the most important developing nations.
India, Brazil trade target fixed at $10bn by 2010: Nath
Union minister of commerce and industry Kamal Nath said on Monday that Brazil and India have set a target of bilateral trade of $ 10 billion by 2010.
India, Brazil have reasons to join hands
The India-Brazil strategic partnership formalised in September last year during Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s tour of the South American country will be reinforced this week with specific inputs on trade and technology, according to official sources.
Consolidation of the India-Brazil strategic partnership
The meaning of my visit to India - the second one since my election as the President of Brazil - is to reiterate our readiness to forge a strategic alliance between our countries as I announced during my inaugural address in 2003. The visit of Prime-Minister Manmohan Singh to Brasilia in 2006 has greatly contributed to reinforce this partnership.
Mercosur, “an illusion of integration”; Brazil no longer leads
Latinamerica has never been so divided, Mercosur is but an illusion of integration and Brazil has lost its leadership and convergence capacity according to former Brazilian president Fernando Henrique Cardoso who ruled from 1995 to 2000.
EU-Brazil: Commission proposes Strategic Partnership
The European Commission proposes to address trade and investment issues of specific bilateral relevance between the EU and Brazil that complement EU-Mercosur FTA discussions.
India, Brazil aim to strengthen bonds
One of the major outcomes of the visit of the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s visit a couple of years ago (2004) was the signing of a market access treaty that established tariff preferences between India and the countries of Mercosur (Southern Common Market), made up of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. Brazil’s Mercosur partners sent representatives as part of Lula’s retinue.
Brazil may ratify Mercosur PTA with India by June
Brazil today said it would ratify the Mercosur preferential trade agreement (PTA) with India by June this year. However only Brazil would ratify, not the other members of Mercosur.
Brazil hopes to sign FTA soon
A free trade agreement (FTA) is expected to be concluded soon between India and the MERCOSUR group of South American countries, visiting Brazilian foreign minister, Mr Celso Amorim, today indicated. “It is partly our fault that the bilateral trade between India and Brazil is still very small around $3 billion,” Mr Amorim said at an interactive session organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).
Lula da Silva and Vazquez agree to another patch for Mercosur
Presidents from Uruguay and Brazil, meeting in Colonia Monday, seem to have smoothed strained economic and political ties with promises of stronger bilateral relations and a new boost to the battered Mercosur block, although Argentina, just fifty kilometers away was not present at the summit.
Brazil likely to make bilateral agreements with the US rather than working with the FTAA
The Brazilian Foreign Relations Minister, Celso Amorin, argued that Mercosur would prefer to negotiate bilaterally with the US than to try to save the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas.
Trade triangle
The two-day visit of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to Brasilia, the capital of Brazil, is being projected as a decisive step in the consolidation of relations between three important countries of the South - India, Brazil and South Africa.
IBSA business leaders debate ways to deepen relations
Indian, Brazilian, and South African business leaders have identified key issues that have to be addressed to allow the more rapid development of broader and deeper economic relations between the three countries.
IBSA experiment will benefit all the members, says Singh
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh yesterday spoke strongly in favour of the newly emerging trilateral co-operation between India, Brazil and South Africa (IBSA), saying all three countries stand to benefit from it in working for their energy security, creating synergies in trade and technology and in enhanced transport connectivity.
Time for IBSA to shine in world trade, says Mbeki
President Thabo Mbeki says IBSA’s (India-Brazil-South Africa’s) time has arrived to make a mark on world trade. He was addressing the IBSA summit in Brazil and called on developing nations to form strong partnerships and strategic alliances in the wake of the recent collapse of the Doha round of trade talks.
Fiction and fact: an IBSA pact
IBSA will be a powerful bloc in south-south cooperation with echoes of ‘non-alignment’ in earlier times but from the economic point of view, IBSA is a little fictitious” was Union minister of state for commerce Jairam Ramesh’s reported take on this regional formation that includes India-Brazil-South Africa just ahead of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to Brazil and Cuba to attend an IBSA and NAM summit.
Patent or patient? How Washington uses trade deals to protect drugs
The controversy over the impact of bilateral trade agreements on public health poses particular difficulties for the Geneva-based WHO, which is gearing up for the highly political election of a new director-general.
US trade sanctions seek to pressure Latin America
The US government’s announcement that it will review the possibility of limiting, suspending, or withdrawing trade preferences under the General System of Preferences (GSP) to three Latin American countries—Argentina, Brazil, and Venezuela—is political pressure to make these nations participate in the model of regional integration proposed by the United States.