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EPA may "destroy" Malawi’s manufacturing potential
Economic circles in eastern and southern Africa are abuzz with discussions about the advantages and disadvantages of the economic partnership agreement (EPA) which governments of these countries are negotiating with the European Union (EU).
A matter of political will: How the European Union can maintain market access for African, Caribbean and Pacific countries in the absence of Economic Partnership Agreements
The European Commission has threatened 76 of the world’s poorest countries with lower access to the EU market if they fail to sign new trade deals known as Economic Partnerhip Agreements (EPAs) by the end of 2007. But the threats are not justified.
Questions States must ask about EPAs
There have been myriad commentaries on the ongoing negotiations on Economic Partnership Agreements between the European Union and the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. The first thing in these debates is the jargon and how much a regular member of our communities would not understand. It’s about time that those who know anything about trade and economic agreements explained this agreement to the rest in simple ’Wanjiku’ language.
Moroka off for EPA talks
Botswana’s Ministry of Trade and Industry has announced that the Minister, Neo Moroka, leaves for South Africa today for the Southern African Development Community (SADC) trade talks.
Chamber president urges government to sign accord between Caribbean countries and EU
Grand Bahama Chamber of Commerce President Christopher Lowe is calling on the Government to seriously consider signing on to the CARIFORUM-EPA -EU trade agreement, claiming that failure to do so could result in the loss of jobs for two major industries on Grand Bahama.
Ghana: Trade coalition condemns ongoing EPA negotiations
Barely two weeks after the European Union proposed to remove all remaining quota and tariff limitations on access to the EU market for all African, Caribbean and Pacific regions as part of the Economic Partnership Agreement negotiations (EPAs), a group calling itself the Ghana Trade and Livelihoods Coalition has raised concerns about the ongoing negotiations that are scheduled to be concluded by December 31, 2007.
Development and intellectual property under the EPA negotiations
This South Centre policy brief examines the approach under the ongoing EPA negotiations with respect to innovation, biodiversity and traditional knowledge, public health, Least Developed Countries and on enforcement of intellectual property rights. It concludes that considering the level of economic development in ACP countries, the negotiations should not include IP rights as part of the partnership agreement.
The European approach to intellectual property in European Partnership Agreements with the ACP countries
A CIEL discussion paper on the European Union’s attempts to impose TRIPS-plus standards on 76 African, Caribbean and Pacific countries
Namibia: ’Forget EU offer’ - expert
Market researcher at Meatco, Wallie Roux, yesterday criticized the European Union’s haste to have the Southern African Development Community-Economic Partnership Agreement (SADC-EPA) signed by the end of the year. "This is the biggest successful public relations stunt pulled by the EU," he observed.
EPA threatens N6.2b non-oil exports revenue, local industries - MAN
Manufacturers Association of Nigeria has warned that harmonisation of tariffs under the proposed ECOWAS-EU Economic Partnership Agreement will lead to loss of over 478 million dollars (about N6.2 billion) in revenue from non-oil exports annually, and closure of some industries in the country.
Much to lose, little to gain: Assessing EPAs from the perspective of Malawi
This Tearfund report critiques the process of EU-ACP EPA negotiations and looks at the potential impacts of an EPA on Malawi.
Nigeria: FG urged to spearhead Ecowas negotiations
The Federal Government has been called upon to take the lead in driving the Economic Community of West African States-Economic Partnership Agreement (ECOWAS-EPA) negotiations in order to guide the developing region towards effective regional integration and improved trade practices.
Comesa to discuss EPAs
Heads of government and policy organs of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (Comesa) will meet in the Kenyan capital Nairobi from May 11-23 to consider the progress made on the Economic Partnership Agreements with the European Union among other things.
Caricom wants ’special provisions’ for sugar, bananas
The EU concession announced last week to remove all remaining quota and tariff restrictions on ACP products includes a phase-out period for rice and sugar, but does not mention bananas.
GSP schemes ’best alternative to EPAs’
The European Union (EU) has been accused of trying to introduce structural adjustment in developing African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) nations by way of economic partnership agreements (EPA).
Country prepares for negotiation of EPAs
The Mozambican government is preparing its position for negotiations with the European Union, scheduled to begin in May, on the controversial Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs).
EU makes tricky offer more tempting
The European Union has this week sought to increase the likelihood that it will sign controversial free trade agreements with African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries by offering to open its markets to virtually all of their agricultural goods.
EU wants Dar to decide under which regional bloc it will negotiate EPAs
Tanzania has failed to register any significant progress in negotiating Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) with the European Union for the past 13 months.
Put pressure on gov’ts to stop EPA negotiations - ACP countries told
The Ghana Trade and Livelihood Coalition (GTLC), has called for mass mobilization of people in Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries to put pressure on their governments to stop the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) negotiations while urging various Parliaments not to ratify the agreement if it is signed.
EU defends touchy trade agreements
The Economic Partnership Agreements are not a threat but an opportunity to the member states of African, Caribbean and Pacific group, the EU trade envoy has said.