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Building its ties to Colombia: Canada’s imperial adventure in the Andes
The United States and Canada have chosen to promote Colombia as an aggressive and heavily militarized bulwark against anti-imperialism in the region — an Israel of the Andes.
Obstacles to EU-Asean FTA
A free-trade agreement between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the European Union is unlikely to take shape soon because of the big discrepancies between Asean members and political problems in Burma, said Belgian Foreign Minister Karel De Gucht.
GCC rejects strings to EU free trade deal
Gulf Cooperation Council says will not accept any political conditions by the European Union to sign a free trade agreement. The EU’s final position is expected in July.
NZ-China FTA - Full of human rights promises but no substance
Amnesty International has made a second submission on the New Zealand-China Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Bill highlighting ongoing concerns about the lack of practical applications to ensure labour standards are addressed and improved in China. And this within an agreement that significantly weakens New Zealand’s labour rights obligations.
Palestinian PM urges EU not to upgrade Israel ties
At issue is whether to deepen relations governed by the current EU-Israel association agreement
Building its ties to Colombia: Canada’s imperial adventure in the Andes
On May 5th, 2008 Canada’s Trade Minister, David Emerson, proudly declared that Canada is "very close" to concluding free trade negotiations with Colombia. Canada’s push into Colombia is part of its broader interest and growing economic influence in Latin America going back to the 1990s.
Amid trade talks, MPs visit Colombia’s refugees
A group of Canadian MPs travelled to Colombia Monday to get a first-hand look at one of the hemisphere’s most volatile countries before Ottawa finalizes a free trade deal with its government.
Canada seeks Colombia agreement, as US deal stalls
Canada’s Trade Minister David Emerson said he may soon complete a free trade agreement with Colombia, rejecting a plan by U.S. congressional Democrats to wait until the Latin American nation improves its human rights record.
Canada says close to trade deal with Colombia
Canada is "very close" to concluding free trade negotiations with Colombia, Trade Minister David Emerson said on Monday, calling those opposed to the deal on human rights grounds as "dogmatic." Emerson also presented legislation to Parliament to enact a free trade pact with the European Free Trade Association, comprised of Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.
European Union prods RP on drafting PCA
The European Union has urged the Philippines to start negotiations for the partnership cooperation agreement, a prerequisite deal for Manila to qualify in the comprehensive free-trade agreement between the EU and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
A temporary victory: Colombian unions campaign against FTA
The postponement of a vote in the US Congress is just a temporary victory for Colombian workers, due primarily to the hard work of many Colombian trade unionists who have risked their lives visiting the United States to expose the crimes and violence against union leaders in their country.
Colombian gov’t infiltrated by ’paras’-witness
The allegation could increase resistance in Washington to a US-Colombia free trade deal, blocked by House of Representatives Democrats concerned that Uribe is not doing enough to protect labor union members who are often targeted by the paramilitaries.
Human rights vow over trade talks
Human rights issues will be high on the agenda in negotiations between the European Union and the GCC on a Free Trade Agreement (FTA), a senior official declared in Bahrain last night.
Industry group urges Congress to unfreeze Colombia trade agreement
The United States Council for International Business (USCIB) called on Congressional leaders to approve the trade pact claiming considerable progress in Colombian government efforts to protect trade unionists.
Chinese trade will weather Tibet disagreements: Govt
Federal Trade Minister Simon Crean says the Prime Minister has shown the Australian Government can express concerns about Tibet, without affecting the trade relationship with China.
China: Local activist groups soft pedal on NZ free trade deal
Chinese activist groups cool on opposition to New Zealand’s fair trade deal with China. Katie Small checks out the marginal minorities’ views after the crackdown in Tibet.
Dunne boycotts China trade trip over Tibet
United Future leader Peter Dunne has turned down a trip to China for the free trade deal signing to protest the treatment of Tibetan people.
UN to review rights report
Bahrain human rights activists will raise issues related to "unconstitutional" constituency boundaries at a key meeting with the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. They are joining another group of activists from GCC states, who will meet officials from the European Union Commission and European Parliament in Brussels. The GCC group will highlight their reservations on their governments’ approach to various human rights issues ahead of the signing of a Gulf-EU Free trade agreement.
Finesse, not foolhardiness is the right response to Chinese
The moral high ground is always easier to occupy when falling from it poses little danger of sustaining serious damage. So it required little courage for MP Keith Locke, the Green Party’s indefatigable foreign affairs spokesperson, to put pressure on the Government to take a stronger stand against the Chinese authorities’ crackdown on protesters in Tibet.
EU warns Sri Lanka trade depends on rights record
The European Union has told Sri Lanka it has "very serious concerns" about civil war human rights abuses and that lucrative trade concessions could be at risk if they continue.