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human rights

Human rights body uneasy about impacts of CAFTA-DR in Costa Rica
As furore continues in Costa Rica about ratification of the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR), members of a leading UN human rights body have been expressing their concern to Costa Rican officials today in Geneva, about the human rights impact of the trade agreement.
ASEAN health warning: Myanmar stunts your growth
Brussels and Washington have taken steps toward free-trade agreements with ASEAN, but they could be stopped in their tracks if the destination was a deal that had to include Myanmar.
Malaysia: Keep Myanmar politics out of ASEAN-EU free trade talks
Myanmar’s political crisis should not be used an excuse to hold up a proposed free trade pact between Europe and Southeast Asian nations, Malaysia’s trade minister has said.
Farmers deserve a fair hearing
We should not be surprised at the Kenyan state’s almost complete lack of understanding of the concerns raised in a suit filed last week by the Kenya Small Scale Farmers Forum, with the support of the Kenya Human Rights Commission, to block any trade agreement between Kenya and the EU.
Legal obstacles emerge over free trade deal with Europe
A landmark case has entered the Kenyan corridors of justice as a group of farmers and a human rights watchdog move to challenge the State over ongoing negotiations for a new trade agreement with Europe.
Amnesty: NZ too scared to push rights with China
New Zealand negotiators have been accused of being ’too scared’ to bring up human rights with China’s communist officials during free trade discussions.
Myanmar should be excluded from ASEAN-EU free trade deal - EU parliamentarians
Myanmar should not be included in the free trade agreement (FTA) between the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the EU following the Yangon military regime’s crackdown on mass protests last week, according to members of the European Parliament visiting Singapore.
Calls to scrap ASEAN trade deal over Burma
The Australian Manufacturing Workers Union says the Federal Government should cease Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) free trade negotiations immediately, in line with Burma sanctions.
Repression on FTA opponents denounced
The Costa Rican Human Rights Association denounced the increase of the police repression against local citizens, students and social leaders opposed to the Free Trade Agreement with US in their Sunday statement.
The swell of boycott
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions has called for divestment from Israeli companies: a campaign aimed at the European Union, which accounts for two-thirds of Israel’s exports under an EU-Israel Association Agreement. The UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Jean Ziegler, has said that human rights conditions in the agreement should be invoked and Israel’s trading preferences suspended. This is unusual, for these were once distant voices.
Free trade is a prison
As the world prepares to celebrate the International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition on August 23, a new book on the lessons learnt from that trade and how its “successor,” free trade is undermining democracy and justice in Africa has just been published.
EU wants proposed cooperation pact tied to RP rights record
An official from the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs admitted that given the country’s record of extrajudicial killings, the negotiating team is seriously concerned about whether the Philippines may qualify for a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with EU, a requisite for the country taking part in the EU-ASEAN free trade agreement.
Evaluation of the impact of NAFTA on manufacturing
The evidence is overwhelming: NAFTA has damaged the manufacturing industry in the US and Mexico. As the maquiladora industry thrives and human rights are continuously eroded in sweatshops across the globe, it is the responsibility of the US, the world’s most insatiable consumer, to call attention to this injustice in the manufacturing sector and correct it.
EPA threatens the Human Right to Food of peasant farmers in Ghana
Import surges of tomato paste and chicken parts already have severe impact on the ability of Ghanaian peasant farmers to feed their families. Cuts in the levels of import tariffs on these products, through an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the EU, are likely to cause further violations of their Human Right to adequate Food.
Saying no to free trade
The US Congress has postponed discussion of free-trade agreements (FTAs) signed with Peru and Panama for several months, while indicating that it will not consider the accord with Colombia at all at this time. This represents a huge setback for the Colombian government of President Alvaro Uribe, who has invested much political capital in his strong alliance with Washington and in promoting a bilateral trade agreement.
Canada steps into void left by US-Colombia rift
Canada started trade talks with Colombia on Monday and pledged full support for President Alvaro Uribe, who has seen his key bilateral relationship with the United States bog down in a scandal over human rights.
Free trade, human rights top Harper’s Colombian agenda
Free trade talks, human rights and Colombia’s efforts to end its decades-old civil war will top the agenda today as Prime Minister Stephen Harper gets down to business on the first stop on his four-nation tour of Latin America and the Caribbean.
Trade talks to start soon with Colombia, source says
A free trade deal likely to be launched between Canada and Colombia next week will go beyond the usual focus on dollars and cents to spell out the ethical responsibilities of Canadian companies seeking to exploit the South American country’s untapped resources.
Colombia warns over ties to US
This Andean nation would be compelled to rethink its close ties to Washington if the Democratic-controlled US Congress refuses to ratify a bilateral free trade agreement, the country’s vice president said Thursday.
EU may not put human rights condition for FTA
The European Union may back off from its insistence on including non-trade issues like human rights in the proposed free trade pact with India.