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investment | BITs

100+ China experts and human rights activists slam “naïve” EU-China deal for “entrenching Europe’s strategic dependency on China”
The open statement notes that the agreement appears not to take into account the steep deterioration of rights and freedoms in the mainland.
EU-China trade ties in the spotlight following news of investment pact
The EU-China agreement-in-principle on investment includes language that would aim to prevent forced technology transfers, and describes a “positive list” approach for market access.
EU-China BIT partial text (Jan 2021)
EU-China investment deal lacks teeth on forced labor but could still be derailed
Potential gains not worth cost of overlooking ’blatant human rights violations’ in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Tibet, and against Taiwan’: French senator
Taipei seeks to persuade Europeans for BIA talks
The government is stepping up efforts to persuade European countries to start bilateral investment agreement talks with Taiwan, as the conditions are ripe, Minister said
Investment protection in the EU-UK trade and cooperation agreement
The EU-UK agreement contains limited protections for investors and no investor-state enforcement mechanism. Its dispute resolution mechanism is limited to a “WTO-like” state-to-state arbitration.
China and EU leaders strike investment deal, but political hurdles await
The agreement, which would roll back restrictions on investment, faces some opposition in Europe and objections from the Biden camp.
China’s Xi Jinping seeks advantage over Biden with ground-breaking EU investment deal
Though EU officials haven’t yet revealed the details, one senior EU diplomat said the agreement goes beyond anything Beijing has offered any foreign partner previously.
Xinjiang forced labour concerns threaten to derail China’s investment deal with EU
Officials say European Parliament could refuse to endorse deal over Beijing’s failure to commit to International Labour Organisation standards
EU agrees ‘in principle’ to an investment agreement with China
The European Commission has secured breakthroughs as China agrees to open up its market in multiple sectors for EU businesses.
EU-China comprehensive agreement on investment: A scoping study
Given China’s unique position, the study concludes that the EU must ensure that particularly strong protections for EU regulatory policy space are included in any future investment deal.
EU and China set for further investment talks as end-of-year deadline for deal looms
The latest round follows straight on the heels of ‘intensive’ talks. Negotiators hope to reach agreement by the end of the year, but issues such as market access remain a stumbling block.
China-EU investment agreement to be signed by the year end, says ambassador
There have been breakthroughs on the level playing field issues. Market access and sustainable development chapters are now being discussed.
OPL245 scandal: Coalition urges World Bank group not to protect oil giants
The groups said they are concerned about the ICSID’s long-standing failure to promulgate clear rules for addressing cases where corruption has been alleged.
Pakistan seeks to reform int’l investment regime
Prime Minister Imran Khan has approved the formation of a working group of experts for reforming Pakistan’s international investment regime.
Building China’s Belt and Road Initiative BIT by BIT
Rather than viewing international investment law as inherently threatening or constraining, China now sees it as a valuable instrument for protecting its investments and interests abroad.
India, Philippines negotiate on bilateral investment deal
India and the Philippines have begun negotiations on a bilateral investment agreement as they want to further boost their economic ties.
Jersey’s BIT with the UAE and reflections on investment treaty practice in non-sovereign autonomous regions
Most recently, Jersey has joined Hong Kong as another non-sovereign entity that negotiates its own BITs. Jersey is set to sign its first BIT with the UAE later this year.
Why India should challenge the Vodafone-India BIT award
The scope of consent to arbitration is an important issue that needs to be finally settled - not least because it could have multi-billion dollar implications for India in respect of other cases involving challenges to India’s taxation measures by foreign investors.
S. Korea, China to discuss expanding bilateral FTA scope
South Korea and China on Monday launched the ninth round of talks with China to bolster ties in the service and investment fields as part of their bilateral free trade agreement (FTA), which went into effect five years ago.