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Palestinian BDS National Committee welcomes landmark EU court ruling
The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Campaign National Committee welcomes the long overdue ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union that Israeli products originating from Israel’s colonial settlements built on Occupied Palestinian Territory do not qualify for preferential customs treatment under the EC-Israel trade agreement
Brazilian president in Israel to mark Mercosur FTA
Brazilian President Luiz Inácio (Lula) da Silva met with President Shimon Peres in Jerusalem today and said that Brazil had given its final approval for a free trade agreement between Israel and the Mercosur bloc (Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay). The FTA will come into effect in April.
EU highest court: Israeli goods produced in the West Bank not free from custom duties
The European Court of Justice has ruled that under the EU-Israel FTA, duty-free entry to the EU only applies to industrial goods made within Israel’s pre-1967 borders.
India prioritises Israel on trade pact
Trade negotiations with New Delhi are a big step for Israel
Palestinians declare war on Jewish settlements’ products
The PNA campaign is accompanied by an international campaign to boycott any product made in Israeli settlements that the PNA considers illegal.
Join the 2nd Global BDS Day of Action - 30 March 2010
The Global BDS Day of Action aims to promote a freeze or cancellation of free trade and other preferential agreements as a crucial and urgent step towards full-fledged sanctions against Israel
Israel pushing for trade pact with India
Israel on Monday said it wants to push for a free trade agreement with India with an objective of tripling bilateral commerce to USD 12 billion over the next four-five years.
Palestinians seek to shut down settler trade
Prime Minister Fayyad said if Palestinians wanted to persuade the European Union to ban trade with the settlements — considered illegal under international law — they would have to do it themselves first.
Brazilian business leaders look to Israeli know-how
The decision by Brazil’s House of Representatives last week to approve a free trade agreement for Israel with Mercosul, the South American free trade area, could have enormous economic consequences for the Jewish state, a member of the delegation traveling with Peres has told reporters in the president’s entourage.
Israeli Prez Peres Must Carry Palestinian Answers to Brazil
Israeli President Shimon Peres should have answers to the Palestinian issues during his Latin American sojourn if he aspires to strengthen ties with them, particularly, in light of growing opposition in Brazil over the ratification of Mercosur-Israel FTA. A Parliamentary Commission on Foreign Relations and National Defence has recommended to the Brazilian parliament in September not to ratify Mercosur-Israel FTA until “Israel accepted the creation of the Palestinian state on the 1967 borders”.
Bahrain: MPs ban Israel links
MPs yesterday voted to jail for up to five years any Bahraini who deals directly with Israel and to resurrect the Israeli Boycott Office, closed to make way for the Free Trade Agreement with the US.
Brazilian Parliament recommends freezing out Israelis from third largest export market
“This decision is an enormous blow for Israel’s economy and foreign relations”, says Jamal Juma’ of the Stop the Wall Campaign. The Brazilian Parliamentary Commission on Foreign Relations and National Defense has recommended that the parliament should not ratify the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Mercosur and the State of Israel until “Israel accepts the creation of the Palestinian state on the 1967 borders”.
EU puts Middle East policies on hold until US talks
EU diplomats in Brussels on Thursday (10 September) put off a decision on signing an Association Agreement with Syria until October at the earliest. EU foreign ministers meeting in Brussels next week were due to discuss the pact. But it was dropped from the agenda after the Netherlands said it would veto the existing text on human rights grounds.
Human rights campaign sues European Union over continued economic ties with Israelis
The European Campaign to Lift the Siege on Gaza, in cooperation with European institutions and individuals, has filed a lawsuit against the European Union to force the EU to end its economic partnership agreement with the Israelis.
AIPAC and the US-Colombia free trade deal
By paying off IAI and laying the groundwork for future Israeli weapons purchases, the Colombian government clearly hopes to win the support of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) to help pass the US-Colombia FTA.
Upgrading of relations EU-Israel
Open letter from Hiyam Noir, editor of Palestine Free Voice, to EU-Isral Association Council
Inconvenient truths about the US-Israel free trade agreement
The US-Israel Free Trade Area became law in 1985, but ongoing violations of American intellectual property rights and trade laws are fueling heavy losses of American jobs. As the US economy declines many are trying to separate myths from facts about America’s first bilateral trade agreement.
US Muslim group seeks to nix US-Israel Free Trade agreement
Global pharmaceuticals companies, which often argue that Israel should pass stricter legislation to protect intellectual property, have received support from an unexpected corner recently: the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy (IRmep) has filed an urgent petition to the United States Trade Representative demanding the immediate suspension of preferential Israeli access to the US market under the Free Trade Area agreement.
Espionage and property theft triggers call to suspend Israeli access to US market
A major legal filing urges the United States Trade Representative (USTR) to suspend preferential Israeli access to the US market.
"Israel must see that there are consequences to its actions"
We can and must focus on the trading privileges from which Israel benefits within the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement, and point out again and again that Israel violates the human rights clause of that Agreement. If nothing else, this clarifies that EU support for Israel violates its own regulations.