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M’sia among top priority countries for US in FTA negotiations
Malaysia is among the few countries given priority by the United States in its free trade agreement (FTA) negotiations before the expiry of the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), said US Trade Representative Susan C. Schwab.
Australia wants access to Malaysian govt procurement market in trade deal
Australia wants access to Malaysia’s government procurement market, which currently favors the country’s majority ethnic Malays, enshrined in a free trade deal, Trade Minister Mark Vaile said.
AMCHAM M’sia denies patent provisions in US FTAs
The American-Malaysian Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM Malaysia) Thursday refuted press reports that the US Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) in Chile and Singapore seeks to extend patents for 30 to 40 years through TRIPS-Plus.
US Trade Rep ’Cautiously Optimistic’ Of Mutually-beneficial FTA
The US Trade Representative is "cautiously optimistic" that the US and Malaysia will be able to conclude a mutually-beneficial free trade agreement (FTA) during the remaining rounds of the negotiations despite the tight deadline.
M’sia & US Agree Not To Rush Into Signing FTA
Malaysia and the United States have agreed not to rush into concluding a mutually-beneficial free trade agreement (FTA) until both parties are satisfied with what was being negotiated.
Malaysian manufacturers wary of US move on patents
Malaysian manufacturers are wary of any move by the US to incorporate software patents and pharmaceutical patents in ongoing Free Trade Agreement (FTA) talks between the US and Malaysia.
Malays ’have right to Malaysia’
Malaysia on Monday said it would issue a "big fat no" to any nation or group that asked it to dismantle a system of positive discrimination for its majority ethnic Malays as part of trade talks.
FTAs won’t change bumi policy
The Government will not give up its affirmative action policy to help bumiputra contractors even if it agrees on a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the United States, said Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz.
Govt in no hurry to complete FTA with US: Rafidah
The Malaysian government is in no hurry to complete the free trade agreement (FTA) with the US, Minister of International Trade and Industry, Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz said.
Industry players hold key to US-Malaysia FTA success: Rafidah
Industry players, not the Government, hold the key to the successful conclusion of the proposed US-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement (FTA), Minister of International Trade and Industry Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz said.
Malaysian youth movement calls for suspension of Malaysia-US FTA negotiations in support Lebanon
The Youth Movement at Malaysia’s ruling National Party have called for suspension of Malaysia US free trade negotiations for the White House’s objection to ceasefire calls in Lebanon and urged immediate trial of Israel before the ICJ for its brutal aggressions against the Lebanese and Palestinians.
Pakistan expects FTA with M’sia to be finalised by year end
Pakistan expects the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Malaysia to be finalised by the end of the year, said Pakistan High Commission commercial counsellor, Shahzad Hussain Rana.
EU to make stronger presence in South-East Asia
The European Union (EU) is well on its way to strengthening its “presence” in Malaysia, and in the South-East Asian region.
Federal Express to benefit from Malaysia-US FTA
Federal Express Services (M) Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of FedEx Corp, says it will gain from the implementation of the US-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement (FTA).
Australian Companies Urged To Use M’sia As Regional Hub
Australian companies have been urged to use Malaysia as a regional hub for their businesses, taking advantage of the free trade agreements (FTAs) that Malaysia had signed with several countries.
Malaysia and Australia set to enter new era with FTA
Economic relations between Malaysia and Australia are set to enter a new era when the two countries conclude a free trade agreement (FTA).
New Zealand optimistic of sealing FTA with M’sia soon
New Zealand is optimistic of concluding a Free Trade Agreement with Malaysia soon, its foreign minister, Winston Peters, said today.
Swiss minister promises a favour
Switzerland’s Economics Minister, Joseph Deiss, led a business delegation comprised of senior officials from Novartis, Credit Suisse, SACC and Economy Swiss, to Malaysia.
US hails progress in latest Malaysia trade talks
The US government said Friday it had achieved "solid progress" in a second round of free-trade talks with Malaysia this week.
Aussie envoy: FTA will stir interest in Malaysia
An agreement to liberalise trade of goods and services between Malaysia and Australia will help attract more Australian firms to invest in and trade with Malaysia.