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EU and Georgia adopt revised Association Agenda
The new document establishes a set of jointly agreed priorities towards further implementation of the Association Agreement, including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area.
What to do about the EU’s new trade agenda in Latin America?
About ten years ago, the European Union (EU) introduced Global Europe, its most ambitious trade policy strategy to date. It was intended to open up new markets worldwide through new bilateral trade and investment agreements.
MEPs amp up pressure on Commission over digital trade
MEPs are exerting pressure on the European Commission to draw up rules on data flows in foreign trade agreements, an area where the EU executive has so far not pinned down any tangible policy.
EU-Africa strategy: An incentive for development?
The focus of the new development strategy is on private investment. For this, African countries should create more attractive framework conditions to attract European donors and provide guarantees and risk protection to private companies.
What’s your beef? Mercosur trade talks falter
A battle over beef between the European Union and Argentina and Brazil could push trade talks beyond a year-end deadline and lead to further years of delay.
The EU28 dumping of cereals, dairy and meat to the ESA-4 in 2016
The ESA-4 EPA (Economic Partnership Agreement) was signed by four countries – Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles and Zimbabwe – in August 2009 and is provisionally applied since 14 May 2012.
India, EU hold discussions on proposed free trade agreement
Launched in June 2007, the negotiations for the proposed BTIA have witnessed many hurdles with both sides having major differences on key issues like IPR, duty cut in automobile and spirits, and liberal visa regime.
Richterbund statement on multilateral investment court system
English translation of the German Association of Judges opinion on the proposal for the Multilateral Investment Court system (MIC).
EU, Mercosur complete latest FTA round
The EU and Mercosur made "substantive progress" in all areas of negotiation during their latest round of talks on a new free trade agreement.
Maple Brexit? EU eyes Canada model for UK trade
The European Union is sizing up Britain for a post-Brexit free trade deal along the lines of one it agreed last year with Canada.
Mercosur and Mexico trade agreements: The quest for a sugar fix
There is intensive lobbying by European sugar beet growers against the prospect of widening of EU quotas for non-EU cane sugar as part of ongoing bilateral free trade negotiations.
EU, Chile to start talks to update free trade deal
The EU and Chile signed a deal on political and economic cooperation in 2002, but have decided it needs updating to increase work together on issues including climate change, education policy and trade.
European businesses call for FTA revisions
European business leaders in Korea have urged the Korean government to begin talks on amendments to the Free Trade Agreement with the European Union, citing overall changes in various industries since the deal first took effect in July 2011.
EU trade chief reconfirms plans for EPA with Japan by Christmas
European Union Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom reconfirmed the EU’s intention of reaching an economic partnership agreement with Japan by the end of the year.
EU-Japan FTA - draft intellectual property chapter (May 2017)
As leaked by Greenpeace
India, EU to hold free trade talks next week
India, EU chief trade negotiators will meet next week in New Delhi to hammer out a way forward for the long-pending free trade agreement negotiations between the two sides.
When climate leaders protect dirty investments
Much of the problem can be traced to bilateral investment treaties and investment rules embedded within broader trade pacts.
Ukraine can become production hub of Canada
The Canada-Ukraine free trade agreement and the EU-Ukraine free trade agreement greenlight the production of goods and services on the territory of Ukraine and their deliveries both back to Canada and to the European Union.
Russia free trade agreement not the priority: PM
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says securing a free trade agreement with the European Union is "top of our agenda" - and much higher than getting a deal with Russia across the line.