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Philippines looks on resumption of FTA talks with EU
The Philippines is pursuing the resumption of free trade negotiations with the European Union (EU) to secure additional duty-free market access, and provide a conducive framework for attracting more significant investments from the EU.
An attack on democracy: new legal analysis on splitting of EU-Mercosur deal
A new legal analysis lifts the lid on an attempt by the European Commission to “split” the EU-Mercosur trade deal, in order to approve the ‘trade’ part of the deal without the unanimous support of EU member states and without national ratification by parliaments throughout the EU.
Indonesia, EU complete 14th IEU-CEPA negotiations round
Indonesia and the EU successfully completed the 14th round of the CEPA negotiation in Brussels, Belgium, from May 8–12, 2023 and managed to achieve significant progress on the development of the agreement in the negotiation round.
Solidarity, equality, cooperation and sustainable trade: an alternative to the EU-Mercosur trade agreement
We firmly believe that the countries of the Mercosur and the EU need to improve and transform their relationship.
Ukraine lodges protest to Poland and EU over restrictions on Ukrainian agricultural products
Kyiv has lodged an official protest to Poland and the European Union over imposing restrictions on imports of Ukrainian agricultural products contrary to the Association Agreement.
EU mulls partial exit from energy treaty over climate concerns
The European Union is considering a proposal to quit an international energy treaty that has become mired in climate change concerns, but leave an option for individual countries to stay in an updated version of the accord, a document showed.
Brazil, Spain want EU-Mercosur deal by end of the year
Leaders of Brazil and Spain hope long-delayed trade deal between the European Union and Mercosur trade bloc can be finalised by the end of the year.
How the toxic EU-Mercosur deal will undermine Brazil’s climate & deforestation goals
While the Amazon passes irreversible environmental tipping points and new toxic chemicals leave a trail of contamination, the European Union is actively signing away more of the planet and people in the lethal EU-Mercosur free trade agreement.
Brazil’s Lula visits Spain with Mercosur deal on agenda
Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva arrived in Spain on the second stop of a European tour aimed at resetting relations and making progress on a long-delayed trade deal between the European Union and the South American bloc Mercosur.
Commission reports on eleventh negotiation round with five Eastern and Southern African countries to deepen existing Economic Partnership Agreement
The European Commission published the report summarising progress made during the latest negotiation round to deepen the existing Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with five Eastern and Southern African partners.
Europe’s disunity over China deepens
France, Germany and EU institutions are at odds over whether to revive the stalled Comprehensive Agreement on Investment with China.
Brazil hopes for conclusion to EU-Mercosur trade deal this year
Brazil hopes the Mercosur trade deal with the European Union (EU) will be concluded this year, a government official said, ending years of delay and opening the way to increased trade between the two regions.
EU-Mercosur: Banned pesticides found on Brazilian limes in EU
A Greenpeace Germany study of Brazilian limes sold in the EU has found residues of several pesticides, some of them banned for use in Europe.
Elizabeth Morgan | OACPS/EU – Post-Cotonou Agreement still in limbo
Wednesday, April 5, 2023 was the third anniversary of the establishment, as a full international organisation, of the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS).
Let’s speed up Indonesia-EU CEPA negotiations: Jokowi
Indonesia once again called for the conclusion of the lengthy negotiations on its trade pact with the European Union (EU). President Joko Widodo raised the subject of the long-awaited Indonesia-EU Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) when receiving a visit from Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala.
Germany to support critical minerals-rich countries build processing capacity
Germany wants to help countries that are rich in critical minerals such as Chile, Indonesia and Namibia to build their own processing infrastructure to cut dependency on China.
Denmark to withdraw from Energy Charter Treaty
Denmark will withdraw from the Energy Charter Treaty as it creates more uncertainties about investments than certainties, the Danish government announced.
Goyal, France’s Becht discuss India-EU FTA
Trade minister Piyush Goyal discussed the progress on the India-EU free trade agreement with his French counterpart Olivier Becht, the commerce ministry said in a statement.
Trade Committee delegation to visit South Africa
From 3 to 7 April, MEPs will travel to South Africa to discuss trade and investment relations as well as regional integration.
The EU-Mercosur joint instrument fails to pass the EU’s own sustainability tests
A recent leak of the European Commission’s additional instrument of the EU-Mercosur trade deal fails to meet the criteria outlined in the Commission’s own Trade and Sustainable Development review.