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New Zealand

Handled with tact, FTAs can do what WTO can’t
On April 7, China and New Zealand signed a free trade agreement (FTA) covering trade in goods and services as well as investment, making it the first FTA reached by China with a developed country.
Free trade agreement not to blame - Cullen
The Government was stung by suggestions yesterday that its much vaunted free trade agreement with China was linked to the loss of 430 jobs in Fisher and Paykel’s Mosgiel dishdrawer plant and hit back at the company.
A fairly thorough analysis of the NZ-China FTA
China will now be seeking to extrapolate figures upwards in every other developed country FTA — starting with Australia — into very significant numbers, based on what we, with our tiny population, were willing to concede.
New Zealand-China FTA (2008)
Million dollar China deal 48 hours after free trade agreement
New Zealand apparel company Norsewear is one of the first to benefit from the recently signed free trade agreement with China — securing an order worth close to a million dollars in less than 48 hours after the historic deal was signed.
US trade deal still bubbling away
A free trade deal with the United States remains elusive in the wake of New Zealand’s deal with China.
Peters swears to be good on FTA
Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters appears to have backed down on a threat to criticise the free trade agreement with China while he is overseas, promising the prime minister he will not denounce it publicly.
NZ First’s China advertisement to be investigated
The Electoral Commission will consider a New Zealand First advertisement that appeared in daily papers this morning at their next meeting.
Winston’s message: No to the FTA
Foreign Minister Winston Peters says New Zealand could have done better than it did in the free trade agreement it signed on Monday with China, and that is why his New Zealand First party won’t support it.
Trade pact is front page news
China’s trade deal with New Zealand has made the front pages in Beijing.
China: Local activist groups soft pedal on NZ free trade deal
Chinese activist groups cool on opposition to New Zealand’s fair trade deal with China. Katie Small checks out the marginal minorities’ views after the crackdown in Tibet.
Momentous trade deal signing tomorrow
New Zealand will sign up to its biggest bilateral trade deal in 25 years in a ceremony in Beijing tomorrow.
Last minute protests over China’s free trade deal
Protestors in Auckland and Wellington have made a last minute plea to stop a free trade agreement between New Zealand and China. They say the Government is ignoring human rights for the sake of selling a few pounds of butter.
Cuddling up to China
The "smog and mirrors" surrounding New Zealand’s historic free trade agreement with China is about to lift, along with remnants of the Beijing winter.
Maori divided over free trade deal
Ngai Tahu Seafood, the lucrative fisheries arm of one of the largest Maori tribes, says the Government’s controversial free-trade pact with China is a good deal and will earn the iwi millions of dollars.
Goff leaves for FTA signing in China
Trade Minister Phil Goff leaves for China tomorrow to play his part in the signing of the free trade deal between New Zealand and China.
Hopes of fast FTA benefits for NZ
Business leaders are optimistic that the free trade agreement with China will be comprehensive and have quicker phaseout periods for tariffs than a similar pact New Zealand signed with Thailand in 2005.
China free to take as tough a line as it likes
In apartheid days, support for rugby tours used to be called "building bridges". Opponents, among them today’s Prime Minister, thought sports boycotts more likely to effect change. The argument spilled into the streets in 1981.
Beware FTA, says Kiwi in China
Shifting production of her brand to China has put more money in Cushla Reed’s pocket, allowed her to make lifestyle choices such as having a baby, and given her business a future.
Free trade deal also strategic, says PM
New Zealand’s free trade agreement with China is about more than reducing tariffs - it is also a strategic move which acknowledges that the emerging superpower will become the world’s biggest economy, says Prime Minister Helen Clark.