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Peru willing to strengthen cooeration with China
Peru is willing to further deepen cooperation with China by striking deals in various fields, the country’s top lawmaker said.
Bush tries to build support for Latam trade deals
Bush urged Congress on Friday to approve free-trade agreements with Peru, Panama and Colombia "as soon as possible," saying failure to do so would diminish US leadership in the hemisphere.
Peru trade pact clears major hurdle in Congress
A key US House of Representatives committee gave preliminary approval on Tuesday to a free trade pact with Peru hailed by senior Democrats as the first installment of a new trade policy.
Senate panel gives initial okay to Peru trade deal
The US Senate Finance Committee approved on Friday a draft of a free trade agreement with Peru. Sen. Kent Conrad, a North Dakota Democrat and critic of most trade deals, urged colleagues to support the agreement as a bulwark against Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, an ardent foe of the United States.
Labor groups differ on Peru free trade deal
A coalition of US labor groups that split from the AFL-CIO several years ago is urging Congress to oppose the Peru free trade agreement while AFL-CIO will not.
Peru free trade agreement set to move in House after delays
The long-delayed free trade agreement between the US and Peru is heading for approval in US Congress next month. AFL-CIO, the country’s largest labor federation, testified this week that it won’t support the agreement, but won’t work to defeat it, either.
Democrats change FTA views
More and more US Democrats, many of whom have been skeptical about the Bush administration’s trade agenda in Latin America, now support pending free trade agreements with Peru, Colombia, and Panama.
S. Korea, Peru agree to begin FTA discussions
South Korea and Peru agreed to launch discussions on forming a bilateral free trade agreement during a summit between South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun and Peruvian President Alan Garcia
China, Peru launch FTA talks
Chinese President Hu Jintao met with Peruvian President Alan Garcia on Friday and the two agreed to launch bilateral free trade area (FTA) negotiations.
Peru-Mexico to negotiate free trade agreement (FTA) in September
Peru and Mexico will begin negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) on September 17. Because Peru’s agricultural products do not directly compete with Mexican products, it is hoped that agreements will be reached.
Peruvian workers warn about national strike
The General Confederation of Peruvian Workers (CGTP) warned on Tuesday that it will stage a national strike to demand higher salaries and to protest against the Free Trade Agreement with the United States.
Peru, Mexico extend economic agreement
Peru and Mexico have agreed to extend their current Economic Agreement, due to end on Dec 31 this year, until June 30 2008. Meanwhile, talks on a bilateral free trade treaty are set to be reopened in September in Mexico City.
Peru, China to negotiate FTA early 2008
Peru and China will begin negotiations on a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in the first months of 2008
US-Peru economic relations and the US-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement
A Congressional Research Service report for US Congress
Costa Rica opposition leader calls for renegotiation of Cafta
The top opposition leader in Costa Rica said he wants to renegotiate a free-trade agreement with the US, citing as a precedent the US revamping of a similar agreement with Peru.
Observers watchful of US trade impact on medicines access
The United States has begun incorporating a revised intellectual property and health policy into its bilateral trade deals. But although the overall softer approach towards its partners may improve access to medicines, the debate on the impact of the US free trade agreements on public health in developing countries is not over, according to close observers.
On free trade, Democrats and Bush can’t even agree on facts
Free-trade agreements can create new opportunities for consumers and exporters, but making them law isn’t always easy.
Canadian and Colombian labour jointly reject trade talks
In a joint statement, the largest labour federations in Canada and Colombia reject the announced trade negotiations between Canada, Colombia and Peru as “an extreme free-market trade and investment model which guarantees the rights of investors over the human, social, economic, cultural and labour rights of its citizens.”
Peru: protests against US trade accord rock country
Peruvian unionists, campesinos, leftists and nationalists came together to stage a massive one-day general strike on July 11.
Peruvian trade union protests and strikes continue
Despite threats of military repression by the government, activists said today they would continue the general strike called by the General Federation of Peruvian Workers, which is demanding a better distribution of wealth. Likewise, the National Agrarian Federation will continue its protest against a free trade agreement with the United States.