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Business delegation heads to US to sell FTA
A delegation of business leaders has set off for the United States to promote a Taiwan-US Free Trade Agreement (FTA).
ROC, Honduras, El Salvador sign trilateral FTA
Taiwan, El Salvador and Honduras signed a trilateral free trade agreement in San Salvador May 7. Taiwan’s fourth such agreement with Central American countries, the FTA was expected to boost trade among the three countries, ROC Minister of Economic Affairs Chen Ruey-long said in a May 5 report by Taiwan’s Central News Agency.
Taiwan signs free trade pact with El Salvador, Honduras
Taiwan has signed a free trade agreement with El Salvador and Honduras to expand trade ties between the three countries, the Bureau of Foreign Trade said on Tuesday.
US representatives call for Taiwan-US trade agreement
Five members of the US House of Representatives have proposed a resolution in support of signing a free trade agreement (FTA) between the US and Taiwan.
Taipei to sign trade pacts with two allies
Taipei will sign free trade agreements (FTA) with El Salvador and Honduras tomorrow, making it the first multilateral FTA between Taiwan and its trade partners.
Taiwan to sign free trade pact with El Salvador, Honduras
Taiwan’s economics minister will fly to El Salvador Saturday to sign a free trade agreement (FTA) with El Salvador and Honduras, making them the fifth and sixth countries to sign an FTA with Taipei, the Economics Ministry said on Friday.
AIT chief urges Taiwan to focus trade talks on TIFA
Taiwan should focus more on a Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) rather than on a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in the upcoming trade talks with the U.S., Stephen M. Young, director of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), told a press conference yesterday.
Taiwan’s marginalization by FTAs
The South Korean-US FTA will have the greatest impact on Taiwan of all the agreements signed in the world thus far. Current estimates predict Taiwan will suffer trade losses to the tune of US$2 billion — about 5 percent of Taiwan’s total exports.
Taiwan: EU official says any FTA will be ’some time’
The EU’s de facto ambassador to Taiwan told the European Chamber of Commerce in Taipei that it would be some time before the EU was able to evaluate the feasibility of a FTA with Taiwan. The prerequisites would be whether European companies see any need for or benefits from such a deal and whether the Taiwanese government is interested in signing a pact.
Labor Affairs chief to rally US FTA support
Council of Labor Affairs Chairman Lee Ying-yuan has left for the United States to clear up misunderstanding over Taiwan’s labor policy.
US should warm frozen FTA talks with Taiwan
Following last week’s inking of an accord between the United States and South Korea for future implementation of a free trade agreement, Taipei has good reasons to urge the U.S. side to restart the FTA talks with the ROC, which were unilaterally suspended by Washington in 2006.
Developing a strategy for an FTA with the US
Taiwan’s Council for Economic Planning and Development estimates show that the FTA between the US and South Korea will have a US$2 billion impact on Taiwan, or approximately 5 percent of its total exports, a spokesman said on Tuesday.
FTAs will impact Taiwan’s industry
It would be difficult to overstate the likely impact on Taiwan of last week’s free-trade agreement (FTA) between South Korea and the US, because South Korea and Taiwan produce many similar products and are rivals in key industrial sectors.
Taiwan confident of winning FTA support
Pointing out that few problems exist in business and trade exchanges between Taiwan and the United States, a Taiwan economics official said Thursday that he is confident Taiwan will win the U.S. private sector’s support for the signing of a free trade agreement (FTA) between the two countries.
Taiwan seeks support for FTA with US
Taiwan’s representative to the WTO, Lin Yi-fu, yesterday called for Taiwanese entrepreneurs operating in the US to help drum up US support for a free trade agreement (FTA) between the two countries.
Taiwanese manufacturers thrive in Juárez
There was a time when a lot of our electronics were stamped "Made in Taiwan." These days, a lot of them are still made by Taiwanese companies but may be stamped "Made in Mexico."
Taiwan willing to sign free trade agreement with SD
Taiwanese Ambassador Leonard Chao has pledged his country’s willingness to sign a free trade agreement with Swaziland.
Senior US official dashes FTA hopes
A senior US trade official on Tuesday dashed Taiwan’s hopes that Washington could enter into negotiations on a US-Taiwan Free Trade Agreement (FTA) anytime soon, and said that Taiwan would have to gain strong support from the US business sector and Congress before an FTA could ever be considered.
Taiwan asks US to use security law as model for FTA
Taiwan has asked the United States to use a special law that commits American defence to Taipei as a framework for forging a free trade agreement between the two economies.
China vs Japan: FTAs, oil and Taiwan
China and Japan are locked in a rivalry over at least three flashpoints: Free trade agreements, particularly in the region; oil energy; and Taiwan.