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Taiwan: Nicaraguan congress ratifies free trade agreement
Nicaragua’s Congress has ratified a free trade agreement with Taiwan, the legislative body said in a statement Thursday.
Taiwan completes FTA consultations with El Salvador, Honduras
Taiwan has completed free trade agreement (FTA) consultations on all issues, including country of origin and market access issues, with El Salvador and Honduras.
Dominican Republic and Taiwan will negotiate Free Trade Agreement
Once decided, the treaty would offer greater opportunities to both nations to accede the United States markets.
Sugar quotas scupper Salvadoran FTA
Failure to agree on sugar quotas yesterday prompted Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian to delay the signing of a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with El Salvador, saying that the two countries must first iron out their differences.
Rep. King backs U.S.-Taiwan FTA
U.S. Rep. Peter T. King (R-NY) expressed support recently for the signing of a free trade agreement (FTA) between the United States and Taiwan.
Hyde urges start of FTA talks between US, Taiwan
In one of his last official acts as chairman of the US House International Relations Committee, Henry Hyde, one of Taiwan’s leading champions in Congress, has urged the administration of US President George W. Bush to begin talks on a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Taiwan "as soon as possible."
Nation must target Mexico for FTA
After the negotiations for the "Doha Round" of world trade talks collapsed at the end of July, Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorin said that international trade would revert to the law of the jungle, with the strong lording it over the weak.
Chen lauds ties with Central American allies
Taiwan will continue to enhance economic ties with its Central American allies through either bilateral Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) or the "Jung Pang Project," President Chen Shui-bian said yesterday.
FTA: what’s in it for America?
A free trade agreement (FTA) with the United States is a much desired policy aim in Taiwan. It would increase Taiwan’s trade and bind the island more closely to the U.S., Taiwan’s most important ally — even if formal links are lacking. But what is in it for Americans? This, after all, is what will carry weight with Washington.
Taiwan keen on free trade
Taiwan is eager to enter into a free trade agreement (FTA) with Malaysia, according to its vice-president Annette Lu Hsiu-lien.
Deng pushes for US FTA talks next year
An official expressed the hope on Tuesday that Taiwan and the US could start negotiations on the signing of a free trade agreement (FTA) next spring.
Executive committee is established to oversee Taiwan-Guatemala FTA
n executive committee was established in Taipei yesterday to oversee the execution of a Taiwan-Guatemala free trade agreement (FTA) that took effect July 1.
Taiwan Quick Take: Honduran president to visit
Honduran President Manuel Zelaya is expected to visit Taiwan and sign a free trade agreement (FTA) with President Chen Shui-bian in October, Taiwan officials stationed in the Central American country said yesterday.
No san-tong, no U.S. FTA
The U.S. has bluntly warned the pro-independence government of President Chen Shui-bian that it will not negotiate a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Taiwan unless the island opens san-tong (three direct transport links) with the mainland, the island’s biggest export market.
PR firm hired to push FTA
Taiwan has hired a US public relations firm to push the US to sign a free-trade agreement with Taipei, a Taiwanese radio network reported yesterday.
Taiwan presses for US trade pact
Taiwan urged the United States to move quickly to forge a free-trade agreement (FTA) with America’s eighth biggest trading partner, despite bitter objections from China.
Taiwan to hold 2nd round of FTA talks with El Salvador, Honduras
Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs announced Sunday that a second round of free trade agreement (FTA) talks with El Salvador and Honduras was scheduled to kick off the following day in San Francisco.
Taiwan hopes to sign FTA with El Salvador in October
Taiwan hopes to sign a free trade agreement with El Salvador in October, if negotiations could be completed smoothly, Director-general of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Department of Central and South American Affairs Ko Jai-son said on Tuesday.
Convincing Washington to sign a trade deal
Recently, the Research and Planning Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs invited American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei (AmCham) executive director Richard Vuylsteke to a conference discussing win-win strategies for negotiating a Taiwan-US free trade agreement (FTA).
Taiwan, Nicaragua sign free trade agreement
Taiwan and Nicaragua have signed a free trade agreement (FTA) pledging to join forces to explore the North American market, the Board of Foreign Trade said.