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Minority of Japanese support TPP
Only 38 per cent of Japanese want to ratify the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, according to a survey, showing a growing public distrust of free trade agreements.
How the TPP trades away migrant rights
The TPP would fuel displacement and fail migrant workers
Primer on RCEP and TPPA
FTAs operate as extensions of the WTO resulting in decentralized and yet intensifying attacks against workers and peasants across the different global regions.
Vietnam’s reluctance to ratify the TPP is bad news for Washington
Vietnam’s decision to hold off ratifying the Trans-Pacific Partnership is a further blow to the beleaguered trade pact and a setback for American economic ambitions in Asia.
Swiss cheese threatened by trade deals
Chemical products and cheese top the list of Swiss exports endangered by a proposed trade deal between the European Union and the United States, a government agency reported on Thursday.
El Salvador lessons for the TPP fight
In a tale of people power over corporate power, a tribunal has ruled against a global company in a case over mining rights. Now we need to block trade deals that allow these “investor-state” lawsuits.
Peruvians urge Himes to oppose TPP
"Our experience in Peru demonstrates how the TPP model prioritizes trade and investment above the protection of the environment, ecosystems, and life itself."
What do trade agreements do for open access—and what don’t they do?
The absence of support for open access in trade agreements comes as no surprise when considering that there are no representatives from the education sector, nor any library or archive representatives, in the relevant closed-door trade advisory committees
TISA proposes new global rules on data flows and safe harbors
The Trade in Services Agreement contains many provisions that are a virtual copy-and-paste out of the TPP’s Electronic Commerce chapter.
Call for Govt to help our neighbours negotiate for life-saving medicines
The Public Health Association (PHA) is asking the NZ government to step in and help our neighbouring countries negotiate better deals for life-saving medicines.
New feud may set back Japan’s TPP vote
Japan’s parliamentary debate on the Trans-Pacific Partnership turned into a shouting match after the agriculture minister suggested the ruling coalition force a vote on the US-led trade deal, with the rancor threatening the government’s timetable for ratification.
Ratifying Pacific trade pact not on Vietnam assembly agenda
Vietnam needs more time before it ratifies the Trans Pacific Partnership, an official said Tuesday, dealing a blow to the trade deal that includes the United States and Japan.
Peru’s Broad Front moves to block TPP ratification
In protests billed as “anti-colonial” demonstrations, Peruvians hit the streets on 12 October against the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Trade in Services Agreement
Free trade’s chilling effects
The TPP threatens to extend the most draconian feature of the contemporary free trade model: private corporation’s ability to sue sovereign nations.
TPP trade deal: plain packaging challenge triggered ’hysteria’, lawyer tells MPs
Lawyer for Philip Morris’s bid to take Australia to court over cigarette laws says Australia has nothing to fear from trade deals that allow investor-state disputes
Trade for the people, not for corporate elites!
People Over Profit is a new global network of people’s movements and NGOs campaigning against FTAs and corporate plunder. Sign the call and join the action.
Is toxic trade in your backyard?
Looming trade deals threaten efforts to keep fossil fuels in the ground
Abe vows action on TPP, economy as Diet session begins
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe vowed at the start of a 66-day extraordinary Diet session to swiftly ratify the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade pact
Malaysia on track to ratify TPPA by deadline
Malaysia is on track to complete the TPPA ratification process by the February 2018 deadline but it will find ways to engage with countries that it does not have free trade agreements with in the off chance that the deal falls through.
Protection of IPRs under TPP Agreement: Some challenges for Việt Nam
The issue of intellectual property (IP) in Chapter 18 and the annexes of the TPP pose many challenges for Việt Nam, in terms of both legal aspects and IPR enforcement. This article analyzes some of these challenges.