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Vietnam to spend nearly $5bn on meat, animal feed material imports in 2014
Vietnam is forecast to spend as much as US$4.5 billion on imports of animal feed material, plus another $400 million on cattle and poultry meat shipments this year, a trend that will grow under TPP.
S. Korea pushes to strike FTAs with China, Vietnam, New Zealand this year
South Korea said Thursday it will push to conclude free trade agreements (FTA) with China, Vietnam and New Zealand before the year’s end.
S. Korea, Vietnam push to strike free trade deal this year
President Park Geun-hye said Thursday that South Korea and Vietnam agreed to make aggressive efforts to conclude a free trade agreement within this year as the two countries seek to further strengthen their ties.
EU and Vietnam complete ninth round of FTA talks
The EU and Vietnam completed the ninth round of negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement (FTA).
Businesses believe APEC’s free trade agreement will bring few benefits
The proposed APEC free trade agreement (FTAAP) is expected to be on a larger scale than the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement, but many Vietnamese businesses are not enthusiastic about the trade pact.
Russian FTA could kill Vietnam’s steel market
Next week, Vietnamese officials will engage in their seventh round of talks on a pending free trade agreement with the Russia-Belarus-Kazakhstan Customs Union. The Vietnamese steel industry expects to go bankrupt as a result.
Vietnam, EU expect to finish trade pact in October
Vietnam and the European Union are expected to complete negotiations on a free-trade agreement in October, officials said Monday.
Rights group files complaint over EU-Vietnam trade talks
The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) says it has filed a complaint with the European Union over its free trade talks with Vietnam.
EU seeks free-trade agreement with Vietnam
European Union’s top diplomat Catherine Ashton says she hopes the deal could be signed before the end of the year.
Trade talks for first TA with surging ‘Nam on the cards
The possibility of a first ever official trade agreement with one of the most discerning Asian suppliers to Sri Lanka has edged closer to reality.
Vietnam has trouble escaping dependence on China through FTAs
A host of pending trade agreements could help Vietnam reduce its heavy economic reliance on China, but won’t unless the country takes bold and difficult steps toward developing alternative supply chains and aggressively building up a domestic base range of fabric and component part manufacturers, economists said.
Central America fears textile losses of $6bn to TPP
Central America is increasingly nervous about Vietnam’s participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade talks, with some experts claiming its inclusion could bring losses of around $6bn to its bread-winning textiles and apparel sector.
Vietnam hopes to sign free trade agreement with Eurasian Economic Union by yearend
Vietnam hopes to sign a agreement on free trade zone with the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) by the end of this year, Vietnamese Ambassador to Russia Fam Suan Shon told ITAR-TASS on Thursday.
Vietnam’s exports to ASEAN reduce despite free trade agreement
Vietnam’s exports to its ASEAN partners have fallen despite the free trade agreement inked in 2010.
EU-Vietnam FTA: GUE, Greens, and civil society obtain partial but important victory for human rights
A resolution adopted by the European Parliament on 17 April 2014 recommended the European Commission address key human rights concerns during FTA negotiations with Vietnam.
Vietnam farmers, SMEs threatened by upcoming free trade deals: trade expert
Tran Huu Huynh of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry said given the outcome of FTAs already signed, some groups like farmers would suffer more from harsh competition right at home.
With an eye on TPP, garment companies flock to Vietnam
As China and its workers get wealthier, global manufacturers are looking south for less expensive places to do business. But Cambodia faces labor strikes. The Thai government suffers endless protests. Burma, also known as Myanmar, needs infrastructure updates. As a result, many companies are setting their sights on Vietnam.
Vietnam frees dissidents as it eyes US & regional trade deals
Vietnam has released two more high-profile dissidents, making a total of four political prisoners freed over the past three weeks.
EU accelerates FTA negotiations with Vietnam
The European Union is speeding up negotiations of a free trade agreement with Vietnam due to be signed in late 2014.
EU Trade Commissioner travels to SE Asia to boost trade ties with Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar
De Gucht’s arrival in Hanoi will coincide with the start of the 7th round of talks for an EU-Vietnam free trade agreement, while in Burma the Commissioner is expected to launch negotiations for an EU-Burma investment protection agreement.