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Chile is one of the Latin American countries most actively pursuing bilateral trade agreements

Chile has signed more or less comprehensive free trade agreements with the US, Canada, the European Union, EFTA, South Korea, Japan, Central America and Mexico. In June 2005, it finalized a four-way deal with Pacific neighbours Brunei, New Zealand, and Singapore (P-4). In June 2006, it signed an FTA with Panama. In February 2010, it signed one with Guatemala.

Chile is the first Latin American country to have sealed an FTA on goods with China (2005) and since early 2007 has been working with Beijing on an expansion of the deal to cover services and investment. Further agreements in this regard were reached during President Bachelet’s visit to China in April 2008. The services deal came into force in August 2010.

Chile also has bilateral “economic complementation agreements“ with Bolivia, Peru, Venezuela, Argentina, Ecuador, Colombia and Mercosur, as well as a partial agreement with Cuba.

In 2008, Chile signed FTAs with Australia, Honduras, and Colombia while expanding its agreements with Peru and Cuba.

In March 2011, Chile’s FTA with Turkey came into force, and in April 2012, an FTA with Malaysia came into force. Negotiations with Thailand, Vietnam, India and Hong Kong are still ongoing.

last update: May 2012

Photo: Jose Pereira

Chile, Peru near-FTA likely to be reached in new round
Chile and Peru will likely reach a deal for a free trade agreement in everything but name at an upcoming round of negotiations, Peru’s ambassador to Chile said Thursday.
Chilean FM breaks FTA date with Japan
Chilean Foreign Minister Ignacio Walker suspended Tuesday a visit to Japan to discuss a free trade agreement as a result of Peruvian ex-President Alberto Fujimori’s arrival in the country, local media said on Tuesday.
Chile seeks FTAs with 11 Asian countries
After the negotiations on a possible Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with China, the Chilean government already started a route to conquer the rest of the market in the Asia-Pacific region. The list has 11 countries.
Chile close on China FTA
Chilean President Ricardo Lagos said his country could sign the first free trade agreement with China in November following the conclusion of the final round of talks in October.
Chile-China trade pact could be signed in November
Chile and China could sign a free trade agreement as early as November, tying together the world’s biggest producer and consumer of copper, Chilean President Ricardo Lagos told Reuters on Tuesday.
Interview: Chile turns to Australia in Asia Pacific push
On Friday, Chile will formally unveil free trade agreements with New Zealand, Singapore and Brunei, building on existing agreements with South Korea, Canada, the US and the European Union. Next on Chile’s FTA hit list are Asian giants China, Japan and India.
Chile wants study of RTAs and FTAs within Asia-Pacific
Chile wants a study of regional trading arrangements (RTAs) and free trade agreements (FTAs) within the Asia Pacific region, and this is likely to be discussed by the leaders at the forthcoming APEC Summit in Santiago.
Chile aims for free trade talks with China
Chile said Wednesday it wants to improve ties with China in the hope of eventually signing a free trade agreement and has set a date with Beijing for preliminary talks.