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Compared to its neighbours in Southeast Asia, Malaysia was late to get on the FTA train. But now it does not want to be left out of the major deals, it seems.

Malaysia signed its first FTAs with Japan in 2005. In 2007, it signed with Pakistan. It also has FTAs with Chile (2010) , India (2011) and New Zealand (2009), It has been in FTA talks with the US, but these have effectively been shelves since 2009. It is in negotiations with Australia, and may commence negotiations with the GCC and EFTA.

As member of ASEAN, it is also party to the agreements with China, India, Korea and Japan, and the negotiations with Australia/New Zealand and the EU.

last update: May 2012
Photo: MTUC

Syria Proposes Malaysia-Syria FTA
Syria today suggested Malaysia and Syria sign a free trade agreement to intensify economic, trade and investment ties between the two countries.
EU set to further enhance ties with M’sia, says Ambassador
The next round of negotiations on the EU-Asean free trade agreement (FTA) will take place in KL, while the EU is awaiting an announcement from the Malaysian government of its intention to sit at the negotiation table and try to conclude their Partnership Cooperation Agreement, a prerequisite to the FTA.
M’sia Exploring Cooperation In Trade & Investment With EFTA
Malaysia is exploring a framework for cooperation in trade and investment with the European Free Trade Area (EFTA), International Trade and Industry Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said today.
FTA with Australia by next year
Malaysia and Australia hope to conclude free trade agreement (FTA) negotiations by 2009, said International Trade and Industry Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
Malaysia And Australia Set To Conclude FTA Deal Within Reasonable Time-frame
Malaysia and Australia hope to conclude the free trade agreement (FTA) between both countries within a ’reasonable time-frame’," says International Trade and Industry Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
India-EU trade agreement unlikely this year
Negotiations for an ambitious free trade agreement between India and the European Union are on track but are unlikely to be completed by end of 2008, EC Ambassador to India said today.
FTA with Australia not moving as fast it should, says Rafidah
The conclusion of negotiations for the Malaysia-Australia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) may take longer than expected as Malaysia cannot agree to Australia’s requests which go beyond the World Trade Organisation (WTO) agenda, International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz said on Monday.
Malaysia hopeful to conclude CECA with India this year
Malaysia has expressed hope that the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement with India will be concluded this year.
Step up competitive edge to cope with liberalisation challenges, says Muhyiddin
Local companies must step up their competitive edge to compete with products of foreign companies that will enter the Malaysian market in the goods and services sector under the liberalisation process of the World Trade Organization, Free Trade Agreements and Asean Framework Agreement on Services.
Malaysian companies to benefit from FTAs
In order to fully realise FTA benefits, the government says it is imperative that Malaysian companies restructure and diversify their activities, rationalise industries through relocation of certain products to lower cost producing countries, move to higher-value added products and establish strategic partnerships or alliances with others.