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The Philippines signed its first bilateral FTA with Japan in 2006 and is presently party to the ASEAN FTA processes (China, India, Korea, Japan and Australia/New Zealand). The Philippine government has been trying to get Washington to offer an FTA, while those of New Zealand and Chile are apparently in favour of a bilateral deal with Manila. The Philippine government wants to join the TPP, and is engaged in efforts to lay the groundwork for negotiations with the EU for a possible FTA.

last update: May 2012
Photo: Michel Cermak/Twitter

RP-EU partnership deal inked this year?
A framework agreement that will govern relations between the Philippines and the European Union is likely to be signed in October and could pave the way for a bilateral trade deal, a Cabinet official yesterday said.
RP to explore bilateral pact with Taiwan
The Philippines is exploring the possibility of forging a bilateral agreement with Taipei, with talks to start between the two governments this week at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation trade ministers’ meeting in Japan.
Hopes for RP-US FTA dim, no talks set
"My sense is that the US is just waiting for us,” says Philippine Trade and Industry senior undersecretary Thomas G. Aquino
RP, EU to meet on cooperation deal
The Philippines will again be angling for easier commitments meant to facilitate trade with the European Union (EU) during meetings — scheduled to start this week — to forge a partnership cooperation agreement (PCA), a Trade official said.
Rural banks decry ASEAN free trade pact
The Rural Bankers Association of the Philippines says its sector will suffer greatly as tariffs on farm goods fall in line with the implementation of the ASEAN FTA.
Fewer jobs for Taiwan OFWs sans RP trade pact
Taiwan-based factories employing Filipinos may move operations to mainland China once the trade pact between China and Taiwan is signed. The Philippines should therefore sign an FTA with Taiwan to tap into the Beijing-Taipei deal, some argue.
EU pushes bilateral trade pact
The Philippines might lose an opportunity to get first crack at negotiating a bilateral trade deal with the European Union as three Southeast Asian neighbors are already in line.
RP elections cast cloud on trade pact
Philippine elections pose uncertainty in the regional tariff regime, with neighbors wondering whether the new government next year can live up to its free-trade commitments with member-countrie
Philippines risks being left behind in free trade with Europe — think tank
A private sector think tank yesterday pressed the Trade department to move faster on a free trade pact with the European Union (EU), citing research which points to gains awaiting several Philippine industries.
RP bizmen urging government to start bilateral talks with EU for FTA
Filipino businessmen are asking the government to take the initiative in starting the bilateral talks between the Philippines and the European Union (EU) for a free-trade agreement (FTA) after a study made by a think tank showed that the country will benefit immensely from it.