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Compared to its neighbours in Southeast Asia, Malaysia was late to get on the FTA train. But now it does not want to be left out of the major deals, it seems.

Malaysia signed its first FTAs with Japan in 2005. In 2007, it signed with Pakistan. It also has FTAs with Chile (2010) , India (2011) and New Zealand (2009), It has been in FTA talks with the US, but these have effectively been shelves since 2009. It is in negotiations with Australia, and may commence negotiations with the GCC and EFTA.

As member of ASEAN, it is also party to the agreements with China, India, Korea and Japan, and the negotiations with Australia/New Zealand and the EU.

last update: May 2012
Photo: MTUC

M’sia, NZ sign FTA
Malaysia and New Zealand signed a free trade deal on Monday after four years of negotiations, in an agreement Malaysia hopes will see it become a gateway to investment in Southeast Asia.
Malaysia plans to start FTA talks with GCC countries
Malaysia hopes to start negotiations for a free trade agreement with the Gulf Cooperation Council countries this week.
FTA with NZ to improve time frames
The bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) between Malaysia and New Zealand, which is expected to be inked by year-end, seeks to improve the time frames agreed on earlier under the Asean-Australia and New Zealand FTA.
Chile, Malaysia begin fresh FTA talks
Chile and Malaysia on Monday began a 6th round of negotiations for a bilateral free trade agreement, which is expected to be signed this year.
Malaysia FTA renegotiations start in June
Renegotiations on the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Malaysia and three other countries namely the United States (US), Australia and New Zealand will begin in the middle of June.
Najib, Emir witnesses Malaysia-Qatar bilateral trade agreement
Malaysia and Qatar signed a bilateral trade agreement on 20 May
MITI: Business Community Should Help Govt On FTAs
The business community is encouraged to work together with the government in ensuring that free trade agreements (FTAs) will provide the best benefits for the country.
Mustapa Vows To Work Hard To Develop Trade
Incoming International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Mustapa Mohamed has vowed to work hard to ensure that the country’s trade remains in good shape despite difficult times.
AJCEP implementation to enhance Malaysia-Japan relations
Implementation of the Asean-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (AJCEP) is expected enhance bilateral economic relations and industrial cooperation between Malaysia and Japan under the Malaysia-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (MJEPA). The AJCEP comes into force for Malaysia and Japan from today.
‘FTA with Gulf region will boost bilateral trade’
Malaysia is hopeful that negotiations for the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and Malaysia can commence as soon as possible, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said.