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China set to threaten Indian industry through FTA route via ASEAN countries
Once India enters into FTA with Asean countries, who have already entered into the similar FTA with China, it is inevitable that Chinese products, imported under FTA within Asean countries could find their way very conveniently into Indian market.
Mercosur, EU may set aside agriculture to reach trade deal
Brazil mentions the possibility of putting aside the subject of agriculture for the moment, since “the central problem of eliminating agricultural subsidies can only be resolved with a global plan” at the World Trade Organization.
US less enthusiastic for TIFA negotiations
At a time when Nepali delegation is making last-hour preparations for the negotiations with US government for proposed Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA), it has been learnt that Washington is not enthusiastic in initiating the negotiations.
China-Australia trade talks to resume
Chinese trade negotiators are due in Australia next week to resume talks on a free trade agreement. This will be the 14th round of talks in what has been a painfully slow process with "two to three more years" to go. Report from Radio Australia.
Rural banks decry ASEAN free trade pact
The Rural Bankers Association of the Philippines says its sector will suffer greatly as tariffs on farm goods fall in line with the implementation of the ASEAN FTA.
Consortium building new Quito Airport takes Ecuador to ICSID
Corporacion Quiport S.A., the company building the new Quito international airport, has initiated arbitration proceedings at ICSID against the Republic of Ecuador in connection with its concession to maintain and operate the existing Quito airport and to construct and operate the New Quito International Airport (NQIA) being built outside Ecuador’s capital.
EAC-US Council on Trade and Investment holds inaugural meeting
Member countries of the East African Community and the US Trade and Investment Council held their first meeting Monday in Kampala to set policy guidance that would enable implementation of the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement signed by the two sides 16 July 2008.
FTA with ASEAN to be widened
India and the ten-member ASEAN block will hold parleys on ways to conclude talks before the August 2010 deadline to widen the scope of Free Trade Agreement (FTA) to include services and investment expected to provide huge opportunity to Indian professionals to work in Southeast Asia.
Mercosur, EU likely to ink FTA in May: Brazil FM
Latin America’s regional trade agreement, Mercosur, and the European Union could reach a free trade deal as soon as May, says the Brazilian foreign minister.
TIFA: Where is our homework?
The media is abuzz with reports that Nepal is planning to sign a bilateral FTA (BFTA) with the US and to this end a high-level delegation from Nepal is leaving for the US in three weeks’ time to sign Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) – a precursor to the BFTA.
India-EU FTA gets flak in Europe
Intellectual property (IP) in trade agreements could endanger the poor man’s access to affordable medicines, according to a veteran member of the European Parliament.
Spanish Presidency working hard to achieve EU-Mercosur Association Agreement
On 15 February, the European Union and Brazil will hold their first Ministerial Meeting on Political Dialogue, in Madrid, where they will address the relaunch of the negotiations for an EU-Mercosur Association Agreement, which stalled in 2004
Indonesians discontent with free trade agreements
It is believed that the Indonesian government is not fully aware of the consequences or obligations it accepted when it ratified the ASEAN-China FTA. For example, there was barely any published feasibility study of commitments undertaken within the ACFTA or public hearings before the agreement was ratified.
Malaysia govt will address concerns over surge in imports from China
Many Malaysian manufacturers are struggling to survive the influx of Chinese goods since the China-ASEAN FTA came into effect on 1 January 2010.
EU pushes to prise open India
Secret discussions aimed at pressuring India into dropping all measures that shield its industry from foreign competition have been held between European Union officials and some of the world’s top corporations.
India prioritises Israel on trade pact
Trade negotiations with New Delhi are a big step for Israel
Obama pledges to press for Korea FTA’s ratification this year
U.S. President Barack Obama said Thursday that he will push for congressional approval of the pending free trade agreement with South Korea this year to help create jobs through export growth.
FBCCI chief’s comment on TIFA contested
The Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI) is not clear about what it knows of the proposed Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) between Dhaka and Washington.
Fewer jobs for Taiwan OFWs sans RP trade pact
Taiwan-based factories employing Filipinos may move operations to mainland China once the trade pact between China and Taiwan is signed. The Philippines should therefore sign an FTA with Taiwan to tap into the Beijing-Taipei deal, some argue.
Colombia to begin free trade talks with Panama as exports fall
The talks come as Colombia faces a plunge in exports to neighboring Venezuela after President Hugo Chavez pledged last year to end imports from the Andean country in response to a deal that allows U.S. armed forces greater access to Colombian military bases.