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[ETUC] Canada-EU trade deal: Trojan horse for contested ISDS?
The EU-Canada trade agreement – which may be concluded on May 8 at the Foreign Affairs Council – should not be used as a ‘Trojan horse’ to smuggle in a controversial Investor-to-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) warned the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).
Text of Canada-EU trade agreement could be finalized by May 7
iPolitics reports, "The text of the Canada-EU trade agreement is expected to be finalized May 7, according to a letter posted on a Dutch government website
Implementing Canada-EU free-trade deal could take another two years
Six months after Prime Minister Stephen Harper travelled to Brussels to announce Canada’s largest-ever free-trade pact with Europe, Canada and the European Union are still negotiating key aspects of the deal, with implementation possibly as much as two years away.
GM canola letter from European Commissioner Tonio Borg
Letter from European Commissioner Tonio Borg about authorising genetically modified canola, as part of CETA negotiations
Canadians to see Canada-EU free trade pact legal text soon, says Fast
The legal text of the Canada-European Union free trade agreement will be ready for Canadians to examine soon, possibly in the next month or two, federal Trade Minister Ed Fast said Friday.
EU-Canada free trade deal ‘opens door to environmental lawsuits’
Multinationals will have wide-ranging powers to sue EU states that enact health or environmental laws breaching their "legitimate expectations" of profit, according to a leaked ‘investment chapter’ from the Canada-EU free trade agreement. A separate ‘nature and scope’ document for EU-US free trade talks, which EurActiv has seen, makes clear that similar parameters are foreseen for TTIP.
EU ambassador: finishing CETA technical negotiations ‘a question of weeks’
“We think that it might be in about six months that we have a text, which will be not the final text, I think that for the final text we have to wait two years — it will be 2015,” the EU’s ambassador to Canada said.
CETA access denied – Federal government refuses to disclose working text of Canada-EU deal
The federal government of Canada has denied an access to information request from the Council of Canadians for the working text of the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA).