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Japan vows to ratify free trade accord with ASEAN
Japan’s government vowed Tuesday to ratify a free-trade accord with ASEAN by extending a parliament session hampered by feuding with the opposition.
Singapour/Pérou : signature d’un accord de libre-échange
Singapour et le Pérou ont signé un accord de libre-échange (ALE) pour renforcer les relations bilatérales, a annoncé vendredi le gouvernement singapourien dans un communiqué.
’EU lobby behind delay in FTA deal’
The European Union has delayed signing a free trade agreement with the six-nation Gulf Co-operation Council countries because of opposition by a powerful lobby within the EU, a Saudi official was quoted as saying yesterday.
FTA puts Australian television content out of focus
During the FTA negotiations, the US pushed hard for Australia’s local content laws to be removed. When Australia retained them, it was heralded as a victory for Australian culture. The reality is somewhat different. By freezing requirements at current levels, the agreement removes the Australian Government’s ability to determine how best to regulate local content.
Taking action against US beef imports
A farmer, 56, who is only identified by his surname, Kim, lies in the hospital after having set himself on fire on June 5, in protest against the US beef import agreement at Seoul City Hall Plaza.
Korean man dies after beef protest
A South Korean man, Lee Byong-Ryol, has died in hospital two weeks after setting himself ablaze in protest at a deal to resume US beef imports.
’...Agreement harmful to small producers’
Calling for a re-negotiation of a new Economic Partnership Agreement, Federation of Independent Trade Unions and Non Governmental Organisations president David Abdulah says aspects of the agreement could prove to be harmful to the people of Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean.
RI, India to finalize talks on economic cooperation accord in August
Indonesia and India are expected to finalize talks for conclusion of a comprehensive economic cooperation agreement in August
President SAARC Chamber proposes FTA between China and SAARC countries
A Free Trade Agreement between China and South Asia has been proposed to unleash hitherto untapped potential due to non-preferential trade between China and SAARC nations.
Ocean transport an emerging barrier to trade
The unprecedented impact of rising energy prices on the cost of ocean transport means that moving goods from one nation to another has become a bigger barrier to global trade than tariffs.
Canada concludes Colombia free trade talks
Canada said on Saturday it had wrapped up free trade negotiations with Colombia and reached agreement on related labor and environmental issues, but the deal could raise criticism from opposition lawmakers concerned about the Andean country’s human rights record.
Sovereignty or solidarity? Pacific changes tack as Europe wins first round in trade talks
Sovereignty must be partially surrendered if Pacific islands countries are to maintain solidarity in trade negotiations. Pacific countries who are members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific bloc of states had a rude realisation of this basic and age-old truth in their on-going negotiations with the European Commission for an economic partnership agreement.
Free trade with Japan would be major boost for Canadian sales: ambassador
"What we would really like is a [free trade agreement] and the government of Canada has called for one," Canadian Ambassador to Japan Joseph Caron told a Vancouver Board of Trade meeting, noting the Japanese have not yet given an official positive response to possible free trade discussions.
Trinidad and Tobago to sign EPA
Trinidad and Tobago is expected by the end of July 2008 to sign the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between CARIFORUM and the European Union along with its regional counterparts.
Seoul to enforce private sector ban on US beef from older cattle
The South Korean government says it will return or destroy all US beef from cattle older than 30 months in the process of its import quarantine if private sectors in both South Korea and the US voluntarily reach an agreement to impose an age limit in their beef trade. This would run directly counter to the US-Korea beef import deal signed in mid-April.
US targets full opening of Asian beef market
The Bush administration, whose major political funding sources allegedly involve ranchers, is likely to urge China and Japan to "fully" open their beef markets, citing the negotiation results with South Korea.
Situation about Korean people’s struggle on beef deal
Korean public opinion wants a complete scrap of the April 18 beef deal with the US. The scale, intensity, and variety of participants in the street protests continue to grow. The mood is like a “Second June Struggle,” the June Struggle of 1987 having been a significant event in Korea’s democracy movement. However some say that the May struggle for nullification of Beef deal has a lot of significant signs that differ from 1987 democracy struggle. These actions are creating New democracy.
Possible free trade deal for Asia-Pacific?
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says his proposed new regional organisation could produce an Asia-Pacific free trade agreement which would mean big benefits for Australia.