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Big Tobacco puts Uruguay on trial
Uruguay files its defence against Philip Morris, a test case for big business lawsuits that could hit the EU through the transatlantic trade and investment deal with the US.
Abbott eyes China FTA before G20
Australian PM Tony Abbott aim to securing free trade agreement with China by the time of G20 summit in November.
Honduras near ’failed state’ status due to free trade agreement, says labor and Latino leaders
Labor leaders say CAFTA-DR has had a negative impact on Honduran farmers and resulted in displaced workers, "total break down of public services" and "forced migration" of youth, while the US spends billions to deport "hundreds" back to the Central American country in shackles.
UK: Nurses warn over EU-US trade deal
Uncertainty over the impact of the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is a "growing source of anxiety" among health workers, nurses’ leaders have warned.
EU to exempt JR companies from world trade rules
The European Union has agreed to omit three of Japan’s biggest rail companies from a trade agreement at the WTO in the hope that it will open up the Japanese market to European suppliers under a possible bilateral FTA.
Intellectual property protection is hurting Ebola victims
Many critics are pointing out that the lack of an Ebola vaccine is due to the intellectual property protections offered through trade deals like the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.
Peruvian patients reject TPP claiming it will affect their access to medication
Social organizations defending the interests of health patients have spoken out against the TPP.
China to repeal coal tariff after FTA
China has promised to repeal the newly introduced tariff on Australia coal imports once a free trade agreement between the two countries is finalised.
Trans-Pacific Partnership piles up challenges for democracy
The US is again driving the TPP agenda on behalf of its major export industries, but the TPP proposals are more extreme than the Australia-US FTA, writes Pat Ranald.
Kenya: Why we got a raw deal in EPA
The issues that had remained in contention until last week are critical for Kenya and EAC’s future development, but we capitulated.
Guatemala, India begin free trade agreement talks
Officials from Guatemala and India on October 15, 2014, formally agreed to begin negotiations towards a free trade agreement (FTA).
Foreign investment concerns loom large as Federal Trade Minister Andrew Robb talks up China Free Trade Agreement
Trade Minister Robb went to talk about the looming China-Australia FTA with dairy farmers, but they wanted to talk about China buying Australian farmland and taking over their farms instead.
Experts condemn possible TPP trade-offs as talks resume
MPs, public health and copyright experts condemn possible TPP trade-offs as talks resume in Canberra
TPP rallies in Canberra & Sydney
AFTINET are organising rallies in Canberra and Sydney in time with the TPP negotiations that are being held in Australia this week
Taiwan confirms desire for free trade deal with Australia
Taiwan has confirmed its desire to forge a trade deal with Australia and rejected suggestions that mainland China could "meddle" in its efforts for deeper regional ties.
EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht warns ’no TTIP without ISDS’
The European Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht has warned that there will be no free trade agreement between the EU and US without the controversial investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) clause.
EU and Singapore conclude investment talks
The European Union and Singapore have concluded the negotiations of the investment part of the EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (EUSFTA).
EU strikes a comprehensive trade deal with East African Community
Negotiators from the EU and the East African Community finalised today a new comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between both regions.
US-China free trade could generate $460b in gains -study
Peterson Institute says a US-China FTA would generate gains of 0.6% of GDP for the US and 1.9% for China.