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UK firms using legal muscle to facilitate human rights and climate abuses – report
Transform Trade charity says British-based companies are among main bringers of cases based on bilateral investment treaties.
On trade, post-Brexit Britain is less transparent than ever
Australia deal and Energy Charter Treaty show why we must be able to hold government accountable for trade.
Newly released text for modernized Energy Charter Treaty shows too many potential obstacles for climate action
The text of the agreement in principle to modernize the Energy Charter Treaty leaves unanswered too many crucial questions about the possibility of further fossil fuel carveouts and the exact timing of its entry into force.
British investors could sue Australia over climate action if UK joins trans-Pacific trade pact
It’s a portent of claims Australia may face from British companies invested in Australia’s fossil-fuel industries if the United Kingdom gets its way and joins the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Poland drafts law to ‘terminate’ controversial Energy Charter Treaty
The draft law on the “termination of the of the Energy Charter Treaty” and its protocols was agreed by the Polish government on 10 August and sent to the country’s lower chamber.
ECT: “ecocide” treaty puts Member States and EU Commission at odds
European governments are still considering withdrawal from the Energy Charter Treaty, despite the EU Commission’s efforts to modernise the controversial pact, documents leaked to Investigate Europe reveal.
Germany bails out Uniper with multi-billion euro package
Germany has agreed to buy a stake in Uniper. The deal is subject to Uniper withdrawing a lawsuit against the Netherlands in connection with the Energy Charter Treaty.
The Energy Charter Treaty has not aged well
Despite warnings that new oil and gas fields must be banned for the world to decarbonise by 2050, treaty signatories will protect fossil fuel production for at least another decade.
Fossil fuel investment protection – it’s time for actions to speak louder than words
Political leaders and companies who are major contributors to climate change have expressed increasing commitment to playing a role in addressing climate change, but there appears to be a gap between these sentiments and negotiations...
‘Investor-State Dispute Settlement’ as a new avenue for climate change litigation
Climate-related ISDS indicate a real risk that significant resources and energy may be diverted away from climate action, impacting the popularity of pro-climate policymaking among both policymakers and the public.
Trade discussions ’stalled’ over climate
Negotiations for a "critical" trade deal with the European Union have "stalled" over perceptions Australia isn’t "fair dinkum" on climate change action, and due to a fractured relationship with France.
False good news for future EU free trade agreements
ECVC is heavily critical of the lack of ambition shown by the European Commission to tackle only future free trade agreements, meaning the pre-existing FTAs can continue their environmental and social devastation.
Energy treaty update fails to address climate crisis, activists say
1994 agreement allows investors to sue governments for changes in energy policy that harm their profits.
Commission’s trade sanctions proposal falls short
The proposal lacks ambition, especially when it comes to addressing trade’s role in driving climate breakdown.
Young people go to European court to stop treaty that aids fossil fuel investors
Five claimants aged 17-31 want their governments to exit the energy charter treaty, which compensates oil and gas firms.
The most worrisome threat to global climate action you’ve likely never heard of
How investor-friendly trade agreements might squelch government efforts to halt oil and gas expansion.
Big oil is suing countries to block climate action
Oil and gas investors are using investor-state dispute settlement to successfully argue that climate policies are cutting into their profits.
Mobility transition slowed down
The EU-Mercosur agreement and the influence of the automotive industry.