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A shadowy corner of international law is threatening climate action, UN expert warns
An obscure but far-reaching system allowing corporations to sue governments is being “weaponized” by the fossil fuel and mining industries, according to a new UN report, jeopardizing progress in developing nations.
A system of secret arbitration tribunals is undercutting climate action worldwide
A UN expert calls for ending confidential arbitration agreements in development and trade treaties, which are forcing nations to roll back climate, enviro, human rights protections while owing fossil fuel companies billions in damages.
India’s free trade talks ’ignore’ human rights, social justice, environmental impact
More than 130 organisations and civil society leaders have expressed concern at the lack of transparency and non-inclusive consultation processes adopted by the Union Government in the negotiations for entering into free trade, comprehensive economic partnership or investment related agreements.
How colonialism shaped free trade agreements: from colonies to neoliberalism (part 3/3)
Colonial practices are still felt today, as capital-exporting states and their investors shape trade and investment rules while ignoring the populations of capital-importing countries.
UK should drop Gulf trade deal if rights concerns not addressed, say MPs
The UK should be willing to walk away from trade negotiations with Gulf states rather than accept an agreement that fails to address human rights and environmental concerns, MPs have said.
Canada must cancel its free trade deal with Israel
Commitments to “inclusive” trade are meaningless if they support violations of international law.
Breaking: Civil society denounce leaked joint instrument on EU-Mercosur deal as blatant greenwashing
Documents leaked reveal that the EU-Mercosur deal’s proposed annex, supposedly intended to safeguard the environment, climate and human rights, does nothing to achieve this.
EU-Mercosur FTA: Joint instrument (EU proposal, Feb 2023)
As leaked by Friends of the Earth Europe, Ecologistas en Acción, European Coordination Via Campesina, Collectif national Stop CETA-Mercosur, Aitec, PowerShift e.V. Germany, Handel Anders.
Civil societies call on European Parliament to pressure Vietnam on human rights
Civil groups urged the European Parliament to step up pressure on Vietnam to improve its dismal human and labor rights records during a review of the implementation of the European Union-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement.
Mercosur files
Despite the ongoing devastation, and with the Amazon likely at an irreversible environmental tipping point, the European Union continues to push for a free trade agreement with Mercosur which would increase the pressure on the region.
China pushes for resurrection of EU investment deal
China has stepped up lobbying of European Union decision-makers to revive a planned investment deal in its latest effort to improve ties with the Brussels-based bloc, but big hurdles remain to put the accord back on track.
There are many ways to rebuild Brazil: EU-Mercosur trade deal is not one of them
It is time to fundamentally change trade relations to put the environment, climate and human rights at the centre and dismantle the legacy of neo-colonial economics.
How do UK trade agreements measure up on human rights?
There is an urgent need for coherence. The UK should set out clearly in a trade strategy how its trade policy will support human rights, labour rights and the climate, including how each trade agreement will meet the four tests laid out here.
NGO Forum: Risks and opportunities for climate change, food security in Africa in the context of the African Continental Free Trade Area
At the NGO Forum ahead of the 73rd session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR), stakeholders discuss the potential impacts of the implementation of the AfCFTA, on the climate, food security, and the human rights.
What Lula’s victory in Brazil should mean for the EU-Mercosur trade deal
After Bolsonaro, the European Commission, as well as some governments and industries in Europe will see an opportunity to push through the EU-Mercosur trade deal. But the agreement would be the exact opposite of what the Amazon needs.
UK firms using legal muscle to facilitate human rights and climate abuses – report
Transform Trade charity says British-based companies are among main bringers of cases based on bilateral investment treaties.
Six reasons NOT to ratify the EU-Mexico Global Agreement
Statement of the Mexican, European and international civil society, 4 July 2022
Britain launches free trade talks with Gulf countries
Britain will launch talks over a new free trade deal with six Gulf states including Saudi Arabia and charities warned it not to ignore human rights in its latest bid to grow non-EU ties after Brexit.
EU proposes raising tariffs on countries blocking return of rejected asylum seekers
Under a new proposal from the European Commission, non-EU nations who refuse to make arrangements to take back undocumented migrants with a failed asylum claim may have their import tariffs increased.
China dismisses Swiss reports of stalled free trade talks
China’s commerce ministry has denied talks with Switzerland to update a free trade agreement between both countries are "frozen".