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investment | BITs

The Sustainable Investment Facilitation Agreement between the EU and Angola: a new model for investment agreements?
The SIFA marks a significant milestone in international investment law. Its focus on sustainability, transparency, and problem-solving represents a new approach that could influence the future of investment agreements worldwide.
India to revamp bilateral investment treaty framework: CEA
India is revising its Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) framework aims to address investor concerns about stringent dispute resolution and limited protections, aligning with evolving global economic realities and ensuring India’s sovereign rights and regulatory space.
Honduras tops ICSID disputes list in 2024
The centre’s latest caseload statistics reveals 55 new arbitrations were lodged in 2024. Honduras was involved in five of them.
Qatar ready to fast-track investment promotion, protection deal with India
Qatar said it is ready to take steps to speed up the negotiations for a new bilateral investment promotion and protection agreement with India.
Taiwan urges Nigeria to sign trade agreement to boost bilateral ties
The Taiwanese government has appealed to Nigeria to sign the Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement, which has been discussed by the two countries.
Need standalone bilateral investment treaties independent of FTAs: FM
India Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Saturday emphasised the need for Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) to be negotiated as standalone agreements rather than being included as a chapter in Free Trade Agreements (FTAs).
Model Bilateral Investment Treaty to be made more investor friendly: FM
Revamp will help expedite new BITs with partner countries; may push FTA talks.
Colombia and the US sign an agreement to balance investments in the FTA
The new interpretative note on the investment chapter of the FTA seeks to avoid legal abuses and protect the sovereignty of both countries without affecting incentives for foreign investment.
Nations are exiting a secretive system that protects corporations. One country’s story shows how hard that can be
Bolivia was the first nation to begin leaving a legal system that allows foreign companies to sue governments behind closed doors. Now, other countries are following.
S. Korea, Bahrain sign bilateral investment protection treaty
South Korea and Bahrain have signed a bilateral investment treaty on cementing the legal grounds for mutual investment and economic cooperation, Seoul’s foreign ministry said.
Bilateral investment treaty and FTAs are two separate pacts; should continue to remain so: Sources
Demands of certain developed countries from India to negotiate ’investment protection’ elements under an FTA is inappropriate as negotiating the matter as part of a separate chapter under the trade pact could have larger and detrimental implications.
The Commission decides to refer the United Kingdom to the Court of Justice of the European Union for failure to terminate its Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) with six EU Member States
The European Commission decided to refer the United Kingdom to the Court of Justice of the European Union for failing to terminate the Bilateral Investment Treaties that it still has in force with Bulgaria, Czechia, Croatia, Lithuania, Poland and Slovenia.
Commission must stop Energy Charter Treaty hijacking EU climate policy
The Energy Charter Treaty allow fossil fuel investors to sue EU member states before international arbitral tribunals to challenge climate mitigation measures. This legal mechanism is increasingly weaponized by the industry.
Free trade & investment deals hit model BIT hurdle
From Saudi Arabia to the UK and the European Union to Sri Lanka, India’s model bilateral investment treaty (BIT) and the finance ministry’ steadfast refusal to tweak it is posing problems.
“Shocking and sad”: how corporations use investment agreements to block decarbonisation in the Global South
Experts talk about investor-state dispute settlements, which allow fossil fuel companies to bring multi-billion dollar lawsuits against countries that pass green policies.
Civil society organisations push for transformative global investment rules
The Entebbe Declaration calls for justice and sustainability in global investment governance.
Bahrain, India hold fourth high joint commission meeting
The ministers welcomed the launch of the first round of negotiations on a bilateral investment treaty and agreed to expedite its conclusion to enhance trade and investment.
India-EU FTA: Investment chapter to include FDI liberalisation, exclude protection, arbitration
The proposed India-EU Free Trade Agreement is likely to focus on investment liberalisation, while keeping investment protection and arbitration out of the pact, to be negotiated separately in a bilateral investment treaty.
The AfCFTA and land in Africa: towards a surge in land grabbing?
Given that the AfCFTA could lead to a rise in demand for African land from agricultural and other investors, and that climate policies are increasingly looking to land projects to “capture” carbon, the risks for local communities whose livelihoods rely on land will be great.