Intellectual Property Watch
The top members of US Congress and the Senate responsible for international trade issues urged the Obama administration to push for changes to India’s handling of intellectual property rights and technology
The Arab American News
The European Union is considering new steps to deepen its cooperation on scientific research with Israel, despite admitting that previous funds earmarked for that purpose have gone to firms operating illegally in the Palestinian territories.
Financial Express
Biotechnology in agriculture, bio-fuel, climate change and energy security are top on the agenda of the European Union’s new offer for science and technology cooperation with India.
US State Department
Currently, the US has 37 umbrella S&T Agreements worldwide that establish frameworks to facilitate the exchange of scientific results, provide for protection and allocation of intellectual property rights and benefit sharing, facilitate access for researchers, address taxation issues, and respond to the complex set of issues associated with economic development, domestic security and regional stability.
Navhind Times
India is in talks with four European countries - Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein - to strike a comprehensive economic agreement that would facilitate free trade relations. Switzerland is also trying to set up a working group with India on intellectual property rights and also seeking to enhance cooperation in science and technology fields.
China Tech News
An agreement for science and technology cooperation between Canada and China has been signed in Beijing covering energy, environment, medical health, life science, agricultural and biological products.
The Report of the US-India CEO Forum titled "US-India Strategic Economic Partnership", which was released during the recent Bush visit, has not attracted much media attention in contrast to the hype over the nuclear deal.
Hindustan Times
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and President Bush declare their resolve to transform the relationship between their countries and establish a global partnership.