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New Zealand’s objectives for CPTPP
Powerful Asia-Pacific trade ministers are set to converge on Auckland at Matariki weekend for a meeting which host chair Damien O’Connor hopes will turn heads in protectionist-leaning Washington DC and Brussels.
Memorandum submitted by Forum Kedaulatan Makanan Malaysia (Malaysia Food Sovereignty Forum) regarding the CPTPP
We who signed this memorandum would like to express concern about Malaysia’s participation in and ratification of the CPTPP which will have a large negative impact on farmers, livestock breeders and fishermen as well as on the food security and sovereignty of Malaysians in the future.
Why the CPTPP should not have been ratified
Malaysia need to emphasise the high legal costs of investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS), even when governments win.
Chile becomes 10th nation to ratify TPP
The Chilean government informed New Zealand, the depository for the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, that it has completed ratification procedures for the free trade pact.
Uruguay’s free-trade deal ambitions rattle South American trade bloc
South America’s major Mercosur trade bloc, which includes regional powerhouses Brazil and Argentina, has been rattled by one of its smaller members, Uruguay, seeking to strike its own free-trade deals, leaders said.
How Asean can bridge US-China gap and reap economic benefits amid potential flashpoints
A ‘non-aligned’ foreign policy is key, as is Asean’s preference for dialogue and cooperation over the intense rivalry of the great powers.
Uruguay applies to join CPTPP in bid for Asian export boost
Uruguay has applied for membership in the 11-nation Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, in the South American country’s latest bid to do more trade with Asia.
Groups urge PM to backtrack on CPTPP deal
With just one day to go before Malaysia’s entry into the CPTPP is enforced, the Coalition of National Sovereignty urges Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim to withdraw from the ratified agreement.
The US-driven Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) for Prosperity: TPPA in drag or a vacuous vanity project?
When the US launches a high level and concerted re-branding exercise, something big is happening. The latest target is the “Asia-Pacific” region, now to be known as the “Indo-Pacific”.
New Zealand, the ‘Saudi Arabia of milk,’ pushes Canada to live up to trade obligation
New Zealand’s Agriculture Minister has formally requested a binding dispute-settlement panel to resolve the dairy tiff with Canada under the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Taiwan aims for British trade deal as minister meets president
Taiwan hopes to sign a trade deal with the UK, and that Britain will support Taiwan’s membership of the trade group, President Tsai said.
’Locked out of the Canadian market’: Dairy dispute with Canada takes another step
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern raised concerns Canada was breaking its promises on dairy imports under a trans-Pacific free trade agreement directly with her counterpart Justin Trudeau before escalating the issue.
Latin America trade deal: NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern hints at progress
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has hinted at progress in the Government’s longstanding efforts to negotiate a free trade agreement with the Pacific Alliance, a group comprising Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Chile.
Uruguay to apply to join TPP
Uruguay plans to formally apply to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement, which brings together Japan and other Pacific Rim nations, its president has said.
Singapore backs China’s entry into CPTPP, acknowledges lack of consensus
China would need to fulfill the requirements the pact’s requirements, conditions and obligations, a process which Canberra has been wary of for different reasons, such as Beijing imposing a series of measures including tariffs on Australian products.
Australia sees ’no prospect’ of China being accepted into CPTPP
Australia’s trade minister remains concerned about China’s application to join one of the world’s biggest multilateral free trade agreements due to festering disputes between the two countries.
Chilean lawmakers approve Trans-Pacific Partnership
Chile’s congress voted to approve the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) trade deal after four years of legislative debate.
UK may join trans-Pacific free trade pact this year: Japan minister
Members of a trans-Pacific free trade pact could agree in principle to allow Britain to join as a new member this year, using the European country’s case as a model for future aspirants, Japan’s economic minister said.
UK may have extra momentum for CPTPP bid - Trade Minister Damien O’Connor
The chaotic events in Britain this week have put pressure on the UK to complete its accession to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership soon, but New Zealand is not the blockage.
Withdraw ratification of ‘costly’ CPTPP, says CAP
The Consumers’ Association of Penang wants Malaysia to withdraw from the CPTPP before it comes into force in 60 days as it says the free trade agreement has “far more costs than benefits”