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Australia & New Zealand FTAs

Australia currently has FTAs with Singapore, Thailand, New Zealand, Chile, China, South Korea, Malaysia, ASEAN and the United States.

New Zealand has FTAs with Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia, ASEAN, China and Thailand.

Both governments are actively seeking further FTAs, however, and are part of the talks on the US-led Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Trade in Services Agreement (TISA).

last update: Dec 2014

Australia-India ECTA text (2022)
Australia-India FTA (Apr 2022)
UK-New Zealand FTA text (Feb 2022)
Australia-UK FTA text (Dec 2021)
Digital Economy Partnership Agreement (DEPA) text (Jun 2020)
Indonesia-Australia FTA text
As released by Government of Australia
PACER-plus consolidated legal text
As released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of New Zealand
PACER-plus draft chapters (2013-2016)
17 leaked chapters dated from 2013 to 2016
China-Australia FTA (2015)