All the versions of this article: [English] [Español] [français]
ACP | Africa-Caribbean-Pacific group |
AFTA [1] | ASEAN Free Trade Agreement |
AFTA [2] | US-Andean Free Trade Agreement |
AFTAA | Arab Free Trade Area Agreement |
AGOA | Africa Growth and Opportunity Act |
ALCA | Area de Libre Comercio de la Américas |
ALE | Accord de Libre-Echange |
APE | Accord de Partenariat Economique |
APEC | Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation |
APPI | Acuerdo de Protección y Promoción de Inversiones |
APTA | Asia Pacific Trade Agreement |
ASEAN | Association of South East Asian Nations |
BIMSTEC | Bangladesh-India-Myanmar-Sri Lanka-Thailand Economic Cooperation |
BIPA | Bilateral Investment Protection and Promotion Agreement |
BIT | Bilateral Investment Treaty |
BTA | Bilateral Trade Agreement |
(DR-)CAFTA [1] | US-Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement |
CAFTA [2] | China-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement |
CAN | Andean Community of Nations / Comunidad Andina de Naciones |
CEFTA | Central European Free Trade Agreement |
CEPA | Closer Economic Partnership Agreement |
CETA | Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement |
COMESA | Common Market for East and Southern Africa |
(CP)TPP(A) | (Comprehensive and Progressive) Trans-Pacific Partnership (Agreement) |
EFTA | European Free Trade Area |
EMFTA | Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Area |
EPA | Economic Partnership Agreement |
EU | European Union |
FIPA | Foreign Investment Protection and Promotion Agreement |
FTAA | Free Trade Area of the Americas |
GAFTA | Greater Arab Free Trade Area |
GCC | Gulf Cooperation Council |
IBSA | India-Brazil-South Africa |
ICSID | Internation Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes |
ISDS | investor-state dispute settlement |
MEFTA | US-Middle East Free Trade Agreement |
MERCOSUR | Mercado Común del Sur |
MERCOSUL | Mercado Comun do Sul |
NAFTA | North American Free Trade Agreement |
P4/P7 | Pacific 4 (Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership) / Pacific 7 (Trans-Pacific Partnership |
PACER | Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations |
PAFTA | Pan-Arab Free Trade Area |
PICTA | Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement |
PTA | Preferential Trade Agreement |
RCEP | Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (ASEAN+6) |
RTA | Regional Trade Agreement |
SAARC | South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation |
SACU | Southern Africa Customs Union |
SADC | Southern Africa Development Cooperation |
SAFTA | South Asia Free Trade Agreement |
SAPTA | South Asia Preferential Trade Agreement |
TAFTA [1] | Thailand-Australia Free Trade Agreement |
TAFTA [2] | Trans-Atlantic Free Trade Agreement |
TCP | Tratado Comercial de los Pueblos |
TFTA | Tripartite Free Trade Area (COMESA, EAC, SADC) |
TIFA | Trade and Investment Framework Agreement |
TLC | Tratado de Libre Comercio |
TLCAN | Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte |
TPA [1] | Trade Promotion Authority |
TPA [2] | Trade Promotion Agreement |
TTIP | Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership |
UEMOA | Union Economique et Monetaire Ouest-Africain |
WAEMU | West Africa Economic and Monetary Union |
WTO | World Trade Organisation |
ZLEA | Zone de Libre-Echange des Amériques |