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ACP Africa-Caribbean-Pacific group
AFTA [1] ASEAN Free Trade Agreement
AFTA [2] US-Andean Free Trade Agreement
AFTAA Arab Free Trade Area Agreement
AGOA Africa Growth and Opportunity Act
ALCA Area de Libre Comercio de la Américas
ALE Accord de Libre-Echange
APE Accord de Partenariat Economique
APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
APPI Acuerdo de Protección y Promoción de Inversiones
APTA Asia Pacific Trade Agreement
ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations
BIMSTEC Bangladesh-India-Myanmar-Sri Lanka-Thailand Economic Cooperation
BIPA Bilateral Investment Protection and Promotion Agreement
BIT Bilateral Investment Treaty
BTA Bilateral Trade Agreement
(DR-)CAFTA [1] US-Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement
CAFTA [2] China-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement
CAN Andean Community of Nations / Comunidad Andina de Naciones
CEFTA Central European Free Trade Agreement
CEPA Closer Economic Partnership Agreement
CETA Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
COMESA Common Market for East and Southern Africa
(CP)TPP(A) (Comprehensive and Progressive) Trans-Pacific Partnership (Agreement)
EFTA European Free Trade Area
EMFTA Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Area
EPA Economic Partnership Agreement
EU European Union
FIPA Foreign Investment Protection and Promotion Agreement
FTAA Free Trade Area of the Americas
GAFTA Greater Arab Free Trade Area
GCC Gulf Cooperation Council
IBSA India-Brazil-South Africa
ICSID Internation Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes
ISDS investor-state dispute settlement
MEFTA US-Middle East Free Trade Agreement
MERCOSUR Mercado Común del Sur
MERCOSUL Mercado Comun do Sul
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement
P4/P7 Pacific 4 (Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership) / Pacific 7 (Trans-Pacific Partnership
PACER Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations
PAFTA Pan-Arab Free Trade Area
PICTA Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement
PTA Preferential Trade Agreement
RCEP Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (ASEAN+6)
RTA Regional Trade Agreement
SAARC South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation
SACU Southern Africa Customs Union
SADC Southern Africa Development Cooperation
SAFTA South Asia Free Trade Agreement
SAPTA South Asia Preferential Trade Agreement
TAFTA [1] Thailand-Australia Free Trade Agreement
TAFTA [2] Trans-Atlantic Free Trade Agreement
TCP Tratado Comercial de los Pueblos
TFTA Tripartite Free Trade Area (COMESA, EAC, SADC)
TIFA Trade and Investment Framework Agreement
TLC Tratado de Libre Comercio
TLCAN Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte
TPA [1] Trade Promotion Authority
TPA [2] Trade Promotion Agreement
TTIP Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
UEMOA Union Economique et Monetaire Ouest-Africain
WAEMU West Africa Economic and Monetary Union
WTO World Trade Organisation
ZLEA Zone de Libre-Echange des Amériques