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EU-Mexico conclusion of a new trade agreement: the EU Commission adds more fuel to farmers’ anger

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Photo: La Via Campesina

European Coordination Via Campesina | 23 January 2025

EU-Mexico conclusion of a new trade agreement: the EU Commission adds more fuel to farmers’ anger

ECVC condemns the decision of the leaders of the European Commission and Mexico to conclude the EU-Mexico trade agreement negotiations, just one and a half months after the EU-Mercosur deal negotiations were finalised. This rush to conclude trade agreements is squeezing farmers even more and shows no regard to the thousands of farmers who have been mobilising for one year now by doing the exact opposite of what they demand.

The European Commission claims the free trade agreement opens new markets for European products, with increased quotas on cheese, poultry, pork, apples, chocolate and wine, and better access to public procurement in Mexico for European agribusiness. This trade model pushes EU farmers to specialise their production for export instead of promoting the sustainable diversification needed to meet biodiversity and climate objectives. In addition, multinational trading firms are the ones that will benefit from the deal, not the farmers themselves who will be in competition with each other and on the global market, which is disconnected from local realities.

The deal will have a similar impact on Mexican farmers and rural communities. Only high-value EU products will be exported, that only the richest Mexicans can afford, and while export-oriented agri-businesses will develop, small and medium-scale farmers will face increased pressure to specialise and industrialise.

The European Commission did not comment in its press release how many thousand tons of Mexican beef, poultry, pork or honey will enter the EU market with little-to-no tariffs.

Now, more than ever, the only solution to start responding to European farmers’ needs is to:

  • Take agriculture out of Free Trade Agreements
  • Impose minimum entry prices on imported agricultural products
  • Guarantee that prices paid to farmers cover production costs

ECVC will continue to act in decision-making spaces and in the streets to ensure farmers obtain these necessary measures.

Contact information

Andoni Garcia Ariola


ECVC Coordination Committee member

+34 636 45 15 69

Morgan Ody


ECVC Coordination Committee member

+33 626 97 76 43

Alisha Sesum


ECVC Communication Officer

+32 465 03 33 85/+32 2 217 31 12

 source: European Coordination Via Campesina