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Stop burdering people at the end of the term, Mr. President!
A total of 37 organizations and 29 people conveyed their urge to President Joko Widodo via open letter to stop negotiations between Indonesia - European Union Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (I-EU CEPA). This demand was conveyed after Indonesia completed the 19th round of negotiations on 1-5 July 2024 behind closed doors.
EU’s trade policy clashes with sustainability and food sovereignty ambitions, says farming group
The EU should control agricultural prices and abandon its policy of free trade agreements, including the long-stalled trade deal with Mercosur, a representative of the farmers’ organisation European Coordination Via Campesina said.
Next steps on the USMCA corn case: What the panelists should ask
This week the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) dispute over Mexico’s restrictions on genetically modified (GM) corn and glyphosate enters a new phase.
UN criticises EFTA for jeopardising the right to food
The member countries of European Free Trade Association (EFTA) are jeopardising the right to food through free trade agreements with countries of the Global South.
Peoples of Mesoamerica in defence of seeds and maize
This call for the defence of maize and all peasant seeds comes amid increasing pressure to impose the so-called UPOV laws through trade agreements and other neoliberal policies throughout the region.
Free trade frenzy: the hidden costs of South Asia’s economic gamble
As debt pressures rise, South Asia’s economic strategies are increasingly revolving around FTAs. The frenzy, however, is not only reshaping the region’s trade dynamics, but also a wide array of national legal frameworks, from labour rights to agriculture policies.
Mozambique: ETG threatens international arbitration as ‘pigeon pea saga’ drags on
African commodities house ETG has warned Mozambique that it will seek international arbitration in a dispute over the seizure of up to US$60 million’s worth of goods.
RCEP conditionalities critical for agriculture
The Philippines’ membership in RCEP is conditional on implementing six measures in the agriculture sector. The Senate hearing is an important activity to ensure that these conditionalities are implemented. If not met, the ratification states: “The Senate of the Philippines may recommend to the President the withdrawal of the agreement.”
UK urges Canada to ratify its entry into Pacific trade pact
A British trade official called on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government to ratify the UK’s entry into a Pacific trade deal by the end of the year, despite opposition from some Canadian agriculture groups.
ECVC rejects free trade narrative of AGRIFISH council and demands market regulation and an end to FTAs to address root causes of farmers’ issues
For farmers on the ground, FTAs and the WTO rules only serve to drive down prices as far as possible, with no regard for the costs to the wellbeing and health of farmers and citizens, nor the impact on climate and biodiversity.
EU trade deal with New Zealand comes into force
The European Commission has said that EU exports to New Zealand could grow by up to €4.5 billion annually as a new trade agreement enters into force.
A matter of Mexican maize and not so free trade agreements
Free trade agreements are threatening the maize crop of Mexico.
Kenyan poultry farmers sound alarm over looming US-Kenya trade deal
The poultry sector in Kenya is facing a crisis as stakeholders, particularly small-scale farmers, intensify their opposition to an impending trade agreement between the Kenyan government and the United States.
Parliament backs temporary trade benefits for Ukraine paving the way to talks for long-term agreement
Les eurodéputés ont donné leur feu vert à la prolongation de la libéralisation des importations en provenance d’Ukraine jusqu’en juin 2025, un accord contenant également des mesures visant à protéger les secteurs agricoles sensibles de l’UE.
Public summary of second set of US text proposals under the US-Kenya Strategic Trade and Investment Partnership
The United States has tabled proposed texts under the US-Kenya Strategic Trade and Investment Partnership (STIP), covering Agriculture, Good Regulatory Practice and Workers’ Rights and Protection.
Indonesia maintains its position not to accede to UPOV 1991
Indonesia reiterated its position not to accede to the UPOV 1991 to ensure policy space to protect smallholder farmers’ seed systems and plant genetic resources.
Farmer protests: the wrong u-turn
Many farmers are fighting against deregulation: namely, free trade agreements that set unequal competition, the dumping of cheap produce on their markets, and the dismantling of market support.
South Africa, PH eye free trade agreement
The South African and the Philippine governments are looking to enter into a free trade agreement (FTA) to boost both nation’s trade relations.
Farmers ride tractors into central London in major protest over trade deals
The organisers claim trading arrangments will ‘decimate’ British farming and damage UK food security
Ties with Africa to grow with Korea’s support: Ivory Coast envoy
The upcoming Korea-Africa Summit in Seoul will increase cooperation with Korea and expand support for Africa’s progress, according to Allou Wanyou Eugene Biti, Ivory Coast’s ambassador to South Korea.