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Panamanians reiterate their desire to be part of Alba

All the versions of this article: [English] [Español]

Hispan TV | 23 November 2014

This is a free translation by Anoosha Boralessa (May 2015). Not reviewed or revised by or any other organization or person

Panamanians reiterate their desire to be part of Alba

Claudia Figueroa

The tenth anniversary of the Bolivarian Alliance for the People of Our America was commemorated by Panamanians who aspire to participate in this project for economic, social and cultural integration, which seeks to improve quality of life for its people.

The commemoration’s special guest was the Venezuelan writer, Luis Britto Garcia. He stressed that in contrast to free trade treaties, Alba’s function is to generate wealth and to distribute it equitably. At the same time, it promotes human rights and protects mother earth.

For attendees, the comprehensive cooperation and sustainable development that Alba is proposing will lead to greater rights, independence and stability for the people.

In contrast to the cooperation proposed under Alba, the Free Trade Treaty (FTA) Panama signed with the US adversely affects Panamanian producers, as from 2012 they have been faced with an avalanche of North American products.

 source: Hispan TV