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UAE and Ecuador begin Cepa talks to bolster trade ties
The UAE has started talks for a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement with Ecuador as the Arab world’s second-largest economy continues to focus on strengthening trade ties with different countries across the globe.
Ratification of Digital Trade Agreement with UK to deepen Ukraine’s participation in global economy – Svyrydenko
The ratification of the Digital Trade Agreement between Ukraine and the United Kingdom by the Verkhovna Rada will deepen Ukraine’s participation in global supply chains.
Gabriel Resources challenges seizure of gold mining company shares by the Romanian state
Earlier this year, ICSID dismissed the claims of Gabriel Resources in the Roșia Montană case. The court also obliged the companies to pay Romania the costs of the lawsuit, as well as interest.
US warns Pakistan of ‘possible sanctions’ following Iran trade deal
The United States warned Pakistan of ‘possible sanctions’ following trade agreements with Iran during President Ebrahim Raisi visit.
Parliament backs temporary trade benefits for Ukraine paving the way to talks for long-term agreement
Les eurodéputés ont donné leur feu vert à la prolongation de la libéralisation des importations en provenance d’Ukraine jusqu’en juin 2025, un accord contenant également des mesures visant à protéger les secteurs agricoles sensibles de l’UE.
Ecuador said “no” to international arbitration: a sovereign decision with international resonance in the fight against ISDS
April 21st has been a historic day. The Ecuadorian people voted massively NO in the referendum question about whether Ecuador should return to arbitration.
Colombia signs trade agreement with UAE
The governments of Colombia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) signed a free trade agreement, Colombia’s first ever with an Arab nation.
UAE and Costa Rica sign trade deal, UAE president says
The United Arab Emirates and Costa Rica have signed an agreement that will help improve bilateral trade and investment ties, UAE President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan said.
Thai-EU free trade deal on the horizon
Thailand and the EU could sign a free trade agreement by mid-next year, in what is another example of the European Union’s increasing engagement in the Indo-Pacific region.
Belgium will lead re-evaluation of EU-Israel trade accord
Belgium’s Deputy Prime Minister Petra De Sutter says her country will lead a "re-evaluation" of the EU-Israel Association Agreement, which forms the basis of trade between the bloc and Israel.
Bangladesh, Nepal stress finalizing PTA
Bangladesh and Nepal in a commerce secretary level meeting put emphasis on finalizing the Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA), highlighting its significance in boosting bilateral trade between Bangladesh and Nepal.
Beijing lobbying for Hong Kong to join world’s biggest free-trade pact this year: minister
Hong Kong is expected to join the RCEP this year despite past delays, as Beijing lobbies all member states to speed up the approval process for the city, the local commerce chief has said.
Canada pushes for more mining in Ecuador despite resistance
The Canadian and Ecuadorian governments continue to forge ahead with free trade agreement plans, despite opposition from social movements and Indigenous Peoples within Ecuador, along with rampant instability.
Between sovereignty and corporate interests: what is at stake in the Ecuadorian referendum?
On 21 April 2024, the government of Daniel Noboa is holding a referendum in Ecuador to amend the country’s constitution and, in particular, to reactivate the dangerous investor-state dispute settlement mechanism.
Public summary of second set of US text proposals under the US-Kenya Strategic Trade and Investment Partnership
The United States has tabled proposed texts under the US-Kenya Strategic Trade and Investment Partnership (STIP), covering Agriculture, Good Regulatory Practice and Workers’ Rights and Protection.
Trade deception returns in Pan-Africanist guise
The World Bank has exaggerated probable gains from the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) to promote partial and uneven trade liberalisation that is unlikely to enhance development on the continent.
Diana Mondino: Mercosur must open up to ‘agreements with other countries’
Argentina’s Foreign Minister Diana Mondino calls for modernisation of Mercosur rules and backs push for free-trade deal with China.
India, UK to resume FTA talks
The visit of the Indian delegation comes a month after both sides decided to take a pause in negotiations when Indian elections were announced on March 15.
TEPA’s IP encroachment: A new barrier to indigenous innovation
The new approach to intellectual property and investment through FTAs accepts an IP maximalist agenda of the United States Trade Representative; it threatens to upset the fine balance between public and private interests and push India away from essential innovations.
Joseph Stiglitz, Jayati Ghosh, Zephyr Teachout, Dani Rodrik, and 295 law and economics professors urge Biden to terminate ISDS provisions in existing US trade and investment agreements
As US law professors and economics professors deeply committed to the rule of law and economic well-being both domestically and globally, we strongly urge you to remove ISDS provisions from existing US trade and investment agreements.