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Time running out on European trade pacts
When European and Caribbean Ministers meet in Brussels in November, there will be an urgent need to reach an understanding on what is achievable.
Analysis on the PIC’s draft text of Pacific EPA
This is a preliminary analysis of the Pacific Islands’ draft text of the Pacific Economic Partnership Agreement and the EC’s ‘non-paper’ on services and investment.
India has its way on trade pact with EU
A deal which could deliver the mother of all FTAs between EU and India was sealed a few minutes before PM Manmohan Singh’s summit with European leaders began.
China, New Zealand ends ninth round FTA talks
China and New Zealand have made further progress toward establishing a Free Trade Area (FTA) during the ninth round of negotiations held in Wellington, New Zealand, between Oct. 9-14.
Indo-Korea trade talks on fast lane
Negotiations on the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) between India and South Korea, including goods, services and investments are on the fast track.
India calls EU trade bluff
Adopting a ’take-it-or-leave-it’ posture, India on Thursday turned down last-minute EU efforts to dilute a trade and investment agreement by introducing onerous non-tariff conditionalities.
China, South Korea to start FTA talks
China said Premier Wen Jiabao and visiting South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun agreed to soon start talks on a free-trade area.
Japan, Indonesia wrap up free trade negotiations
Japan and Indonesia wrapped up four days of negotiations toward a possible free trade agreement, an official said Friday.
Russia, Latvia seal economic cooperation agreement
Russia and Latvia have sealed an economic cooperation agreement and an agreement on creating an inter-governmental commission.
Kiwi economist points to free trade option for South Africa
A former chief economist in New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade says South Africa should consider joining a Free Trade Agreement that exists between Singapore, New Zealand, Chile and Brunei (P4).
Overview of bilateral free trade and investment agreements now available
This document was originally prepared as a resource paper for the "Fighting FTAs" strategy workshop at the end of July 2006. It was then revised at the end of September, with the input of the workshop participants, for sharing as a public document.
Overview of bilateral free trade and investment agreements
A general overview of free trade agreements and bilateral investment treaties that have been signed or are being negotiated all over the world. Organised by region, it provides a snapshot of the many processes currently under way, some of the controversies they raise and opposition movements against these agreements.
Europeans drop demands of equal treatment in Free Trade with Dominicans
As part of an important achievement for the Dominican Republic, the European Union (EU) will not demand from the Dominican Republic the same treatment that the Caribbean nation is compelled to grant to its partners in the Free Trade Agreement with Central America and the United States (DR-CAFTA).
El Salvador-US: Free trade deal a menace to local producers
Seven months after the Central American free trade treaty with the United States came into effect, small-scale producers and economists in El Salvador say that it only benefits a few sectors of society, to the detriment of most national production and thousands of jobs.
Mercosur-GCC agreement to include all bilateral trade
Apart from the products whose imports are prohibited, negotiations between both blocs should cover 100% of the current tax universe. This is one of the conclusions of the meeting that took place this week between diplomats from both blocs.
Mandelson backs new EU-India trade and investment agreement
The EU Commissioner for Trade, Peter Mandelson, has today told Indian and EU Business leaders that EU and India should boost their bilateral trade and economic relationship with a new trade and investment agreement.
Bush free trade plan puts Amazon up for grabs
The Bush administration is quietly pressing for a free trade agreement with Peru that will put the Amazon rainforest - often described as one of the earth’s lungs - on the chopping block.