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Interview: Sino-Zimbabwean economic partnership presents rosy picture
The Sino-Zimbabwean trade and economic cooperation presents a rosy picture as the Zimbabwean government’s Look East policy has created opportunities for the Chinese investors, a Chinese diplomat said here on Monday.
Global capital: Scrambling to save trade perks
The Bush administration has a prescription for fighting coca growing, sidelining Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and saving thousands of jobs in Latin America: extending free trade for Andean nations.
South Korean protesters blast US over free trade, North Korea
South Koreans took to the streets Sunday against a proposed free-trade agreement with the United States, a day before the start of a new round of negotiations that have made few breakthroughs and face a looming deadline.
Dominican Republic and Taiwan will negotiate Free Trade Agreement
Once decided, the treaty would offer greater opportunities to both nations to accede the United States markets.
The Right to Information in International Trade Treaties
The right of the people to information on matters of public concern is a fundamental right that has been enshrined in the Bill of Rights of the Philippine Constitution,and which has been held to be self-executory (i.e., not requiring enabling legislation) by the Supreme Court in a long line of cases.
Canada, US interested in treaties with Malaysia
Though their reasons and goals are different, both Canada and US are interested to sign treaties with Malaysia to facilitate trade.
Indian business groups wary of Thai FTA
Under pressure from local industrialists who fear they are losing out to foreign competition, the Indian government is reviewing a number of free-trade pacts, including those pending with Thailand and Asean.
Kenyan Minister warns against bilateral trade deals
The Kenyan Trade Minister, Mukhisha Kituyi, today spoke up against the danger of countries running to negotiate bilateral and regional trade deals with the impasse of the Doha negotiations at the World Trade Organisation.
Dole Fresh Flowers’ cuts hit small Ecuadorean town hard
In many ways, the flower industry in Ecuador put this small town on the map. Now, just as quickly, it may be erasing it.
Anti-free trade alliance plans mass protest during US-Malaysia trade talks at end-Oct
Malaysian activists Thursday announced a mass a protest during US-Malaysia talks later this month on a free trade pact, saying such an agreement could jeopardize jobs and deprive poor people of cheap, generic drugs.
Sugar quotas scupper Salvadoran FTA
Failure to agree on sugar quotas yesterday prompted Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian to delay the signing of a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with El Salvador, saying that the two countries must first iron out their differences.
Japan, Vietnam to launch EPA talks in January 2007
The Japanese government plans to launch talks with Vietnam in January 2007 on concluding a bilateral economic partnership agreement featuring a free trade agreement, government sources said Wednesday.
NZ on track to sign FTA with China
New Zealand remains on track to be the first developed state to sign a free trade agreement (FTA) with China after completing a "business end" round of talks, a senior official said today.
Internal memo shows Health Minister obstacle to FTA
South Korea tried to cut a deal with the United States to break the stalemate over their bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) talks but an internal dispute nixed the attempt.
Stop FTA talks and talk to the people
Before and after every round of Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations, the US Trade Representative provides briefings and reports to business and industry groups in that country. Why is the Malaysian government not disclosing any information on the talks to its own people?
Bush’s trade authority renewal: dead on arrival?
If Democrats win control of Congress in November elections, the Bush administration is highly unlikely to win renewal of trade negotiating powers that expire in 2007, congressional aides and former lawmakers said on Wednesday.
India to sign Bipa with Ethiopia
India will sign an investment protection pact with Ethiopia as part of measures to increase the flow of capital as well as trade between the two countries, a senior government official said on Wednesday.
Police to dispatch 10,000 to Cheju for FTA talks
The Korean National Police Agency has stepped up security for the nation’s free trade talks with the United States, sending 10,000 police officers to fend off protesters at the meeting venue on Cheju Island.
Costa Rica questions US trade pact
Costa Rican unions and social organizations confirmed their participation in a national strike against the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the United States, currently being evaluated in Congress.
Korea demands recognition for generic drugs
A Korea-US Free Trade Agreement (FTA) for pharmaceuticals is likely to speed up in the fourth round of the FTA talks, which will begin place Monday on Cheju Island.