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SAFTA to allow direct trade with Pakistan
India and Pakistan will be able to trade directly without the help of third-country destinations once the South Asian Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) comes into force from January 1.
Asean proposes separate negative lists
Association of South East Asian Nations (Asean) has demanded that all its members should be allowed to maintain separate negative lists with India in the free trade agreement (FTA) being negotiated between the two sides. It, however, wants India to have a common negative list for all the 10 Asean members.
Israel, Arab world engage in hidden trade
Staff members at a Riyadh hospital got a surprise when they looked at the fine print on the paper cups they were using.
Customs Department tax targets expected to drop in 2006
The Customs Department’s tax targets are expected to fall next year, due to Free Trade Area dealings between Thailand and a number of foreign countries.
Nepal’s preparation still lackluster for fruitful SAFTA
Both government and private sector are showing lackluster preparation for implementing the South Asian Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA), even as the date is approaching for the formal enforcement of the agreement in Nepal.
BIMSTEC FTA set to kick off on schedule
Apart from a few issues that remain to be ironed out the seven-nation Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) regional grouping is all set to implement the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) among the member countries by July 2006 as scheduled.
Bush moves to implement US-Morocco free-trade pact
In anticipation of the January 1, 2006, entry into force of the U.S.-Morocco Free Trade Agreement, President Bush issued a proclamation December 22 on adjusting tariffs on imports from Morocco and authorizing the commerce secretary to take actions to support the implementation of the pact.
Racing with tigers to catch up with dragon
With multilateral talks through the World Trade Organisation moving rather slowly, the engagement with the Asian Tigers seems to be the Indian ‘Elephant’ economy’s chance to catch up with the Chinese Dragon.
US to help address India’s energy security concerns: official
A senior US Embassy official today said Washington and New Delhi were working actively on the proposal mooted by business leaders in both countries for a Free Trade Area (FTA) agreement between India and the US.
Ecuador atty general expects Occidental dispute ruling in March
Ecuador’s attorney general Thursday said he expects a U.K court to rule in March on a dispute between the government and U.S. oil firm Occidental Petroleum Company (OXY).
Indonesia should set up FTA with Japan ’soon’
Indonesia could lose US$400 million in potential export revenues per year if it does not establish a free trade agreement (FTA) with Japan, while most other ASEAN members have done so to complement the region’s own free market in 2010, a study shows.
American Chamber of Commerce: DR-CAFTA delay "perplexing;" deters investments
The American Chamber of Commerce (Amcham) reacted yesterday with disbelief to the official announcement that the Dominican Republic postponed entering the Free Trade Agreement till July 2006.
Postponement of DR-CAFTA gives government RD$9,320M more
The decision to maintain the exchange commission at a rate of 9% during 2006, plus duty charges to be collected during the first 6 months next year prior to entering the DR-CAFTA would give the Dominican government an extra-budgetary income of approximately RD$9.3 billion.
Singapore Chamber signs trade promotion agreement with BNCCI
Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding(MoU) with the century old Bengal National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BNCCI) here to promote bilateral trade and business relations at the state level besides exploring further opportunities.
Free trade pact expected in Kathmandu meet
The tenth meeting of the BIMSTEC Trade Negotiation Committee (TNC) began here in the capital today.
A strong sub-regional grouping in the making
As a new sub-regional group, the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) is making its presence felt in this part of the world.
Rice gets in way of FTA deal
Thailand said it had refused to sign a trade agreement between South Korea and ASEAN, insisting that rice be included on the list of goods facing tariff cuts.
Canada-China Investment Protection Agreement - A significant stepping stone to deeper economic co-operation
The pieces of the Canada-China economic puzzle are starting to come together and the picture that emerges reveals a slowly developing but inevitably closer economic relationship between these two economies.v
Pakistan: FTAs with 4 states likely in 2005-06
China, Malaysia, Thailand and Turkey have agreed to separately sign Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with Pakistan preferably during the current fiscal year.
Japan pushes for trade accord with GCC states
Japanese Ambassador to Bahrain, Takao Natsume, said his government has proposed an FTA to GCC governments but has yet to schedule the beginning of negotiations. "The main stumbling blocks with previous free trade agreements we have been involved in were in the area of agriculture and since the GCC countries are not huge agriculture producers, we don’t see this as a problem here," he said.