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Thailand-US FTA: "Whatever we have to sacrifice must be sacrificed, if that helps get a better deal"
The third round of Thailand-US free trade agreement (FTA) negotiations ended on 8 April with great disappointment for civil society activists because people’s demand and concerns were cast aside.
EHP reaps fruit of its success
China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are making encouraging progress with the early harvest programme (EHP), which the two economies launched in January 2004.
Proliferation of bilateral FTAs will not undermine WTO process
The proliferation of bilateral free trade agreements (FTA) will not undermine the World Trade Organisation’s (WTO) process but instead may smoothen it, Malaysia’s International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz said.
Filipinos protest lopsided Japan-RP deal; demand disclosure of Japan-RP trade negotiations
The SNR Coalition scored today the ongoing negotiations for a bilateral trade agreeement between the Japan and Philippine governments called Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA) which was to be completed and signed in July of this year.
The regional free trade juggernaut - A poisoned chalice
Last week saw both the signing of a Free Trade Agreement between New Zealand and Thailand and another round of negotiations with Chile and Singapore on a Closer Economic Partnership, (P-3) probably now ’successfully’ concluded. "Yet few New Zealanders know about these agreements and their negative implications for many of the worst off citizens in all the countries involved", says the Action Research and Education Network of Aotearoa (ARENA).
Singapore, Brunei, Chile and NZ complete 5th round of FTA talks
Singapore, Chile, New Zealand and Brunei have completed their fifth round of Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations.
Japan-Malaysia economic pact may be signed in December
Malaysia and Japan are close to agreeing in principle the issues related to trade talks and other matters negotiated under the Japan-Malaysia Economic Partnership Agreement (JMEPA).
AIDS patients see life, death issues in trade pact
Public health experts fear that hope might fade for thousands of the region’s chronically ill if the Dominican Republic-Central American Free Trade Agreement, known as CAFTA, is approved this year.
Mexican industrialists want FTA with India
Calling for a boost in bilateral trade between India and Mexico, a visiting delegation of Mexican industrialists on Thursday floated the idea of having a Free-Trade Agreement (FTA) between the two countries.
Vegie growers face $500m a year FTA loss
Vegetable growers stood to lose $500 million a year and 5,000 jobs if Australia struck a free trade deal with China, the industry says.
Japan settles for ’low-risk, low-return’ FTA goals
Prudish about bilateral free-trade agreements just five years ago, Tokyo is now fielding partnership requests from 25 economies and regional blocs. But there is no denying an element of haphazardness in the way it is selecting some of the candidates.
China FTA could harm fruit and veg growers
The South Australian Farmers Federation (SAFF) says the introduction of a comprehensive free trade agreement (FTA)with China could decimate the state’s horticulture industry.
Singapore, South African Customs Union to discuss FTA
Singapore and the South African Customs Union will begin talks on a free trade agreement later this year.
Farmers want guarantee on Japan FTA
The National Farmers Federation says a free trade agreement (FTA) between Australia and Japan would be counterproductive if it did not include agriculture
Statement of Farabundo Martí National Liberation Party
The FMLN rejects the mercantilist logic of the “free trade” agreements. A critical analysis of the CAFTA texts reveals the many negative impacts of the agreement, which would have on the daily life of the people and ecosystems of our countries—especially on women and impoverished families—as national sovereignty is eroded, legal frameworks are corrupted, and the neo-liberal nature of public policy is reinforced.
Brazil says no to US plan for hemispheric free trade
Clinching a deal for a 34-country free-trade zone that would stretch from Alaska to Argentina is "off the agenda" for Brazil, President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said Wednesday.
Agriculture must be in Japan FTA: Labor
There is no point proceeding with a feasibility study into a free trade agreement between Australia and Japan if agriculture is excluded from the deal, Labor says.
FTA might ignore farmers
Agriculture might not feature in a free trade deal between Australia and Japan, with Prime Minister John Howard acknowledging it may be too big an obstacle to overcome.
Andean nations, US advance on environmental issue in FTA talks
The Andean countries and the US have advanced on the environmental issue in their talks about a free trade agreement (FTA), Peru’s chief negotiator said on Wednesday. "The United States proposed for the first time a text on biological diversity. The issue has been made an item in the article on Environmental Cooperation."
Long march for Australia, China FTA
Fifteen years. That is how long China dragged out negotiations for its entry into the World Trade Organization. And there’s no reason to believe that finalizing a comprehensive free-trade agreement with Australia will be any less painstaking.