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Why the secrecy? India’s FTA with EU
Sale of products that compete with EU’s GI-protected ones will be affected. Indian dairy sector has reasons to worry.
For a fair, free trade pact with Europe
Several difficult issues need to be resolved if India is not to be short-changed in the Bilateral Trade and Investment Agreement with the EU.
Anti-FTA group holds protest in KL against EU-India trade talks
Some 50 Anti-FTA Coalition members staged a protest at the European Commission’s office in Kuala Lumpur Wednesday, urging it to stop promoting what they allege are dangerous trade policies that would threaten the lives of millions across the developing world.
Positive networks and patient groups delivered Coffins to European Commission’s Office at New Delhi today
Ahead of India-EU Summit, DNP+ members delivered coffins to European Commission’s office today with a demand to refuse the provisions from the draft text of India-EU FTA that will impact the access to medicines.
ACTA protests lead EU Governments to suspend endorsement of the text
Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic have announced that they will delay their endorsement of a controversial trade agreement following a tide of public protest.
Act Up-Paris confront Karel De Gucht on ACTA and EU-India FTA
Supporting the ongoing Global Week of Action on the EU-India FTA, Pauline Londeix of Act Up-Paris today confronted the European Commission for Trade, Karel de Gucht at a “Civil Society dialogue on Trade, Growth and development” at the European Commission. De Gucht reportedly leaves for India tomorrow for the EU-India Summit on 10th February 2012 where the E.C. is putting pressure on the Indian government to announce political trade-offs in the EU-India FTA.
Documents show CETA ill-advised
The City of Saskatoon’s executive committee recently voted narrowly in favour of a motion that calls on the provincial government to exclude the city from a potential Canada-European Union free trade deal. There are good reasons why councillors should uphold that decision when the proposal comes before them next week.
Spanish farmers demand no imports of occupation tomatoes
On 14 February, a new and extended trade and agriculture agreement is up for vote in the European Parliament. No mention is made to the fact that produce from Western Sahara now will reach the European market, and that the main benefactor will be multinational firms and the King of Morocco – while the small scale farmers will stand to loose.
Free trade deal in Asia Pacific could hit labor, environment, public health
This week activists in Southern California are drawing attention to what they call secret negotiations taking place for a free trade deal shaping up in the Asia Pacific region.
Obama’s Free Trade Agreement: Backdoor deal with corporate America?
This week, in a $500 a night Beverly Hills Hotel, the Obama administration’s U.S. Trade Representative is gathering in secret with negotiators from around the world for a session that could create a whole new set of international trade rules: rules that favor the wealthy 1% of corporate interests.
Activists submit recommendations on EPA
Tanzania Ecumenical Dialogue Group (TEDG) has presented to the government a statement calling for Tanzania not to sign the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) with Europe until contentious issues in its framework are sorted out.
Network calls for rejection of free trade agreement
Fiji Network for Positive People believes that the Asia Pacific Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS meeting will be an opportune time to advocate for continuing availability of generic Anti Retro Viral treatment in the face of threats from Free Trade Agreement negotiations.
A Memo for President Aquino
If indeed Philippine President Aquino accepts the invitation from European Commission President Barroso to visit Brussels this year, we would like to suggest at least two main discussion items
’Who is this workshop for?’
Seven protesting farmers and fishermen barred from a government meeting on the Korea-US FTA are arrested in Jeju City, Jan. 9
Peasants stage protest rally
Peasants coming from 14 villages of Imphal West district today staged a protest rally followed by a mass meeting demanding an immediate halt to the ongoing negotiation to seal the India-European Union Free Trade Agreement.
Korea-US Free Trade Agreement a Job-Killer
The ITUC, supported by its Korean and US affiliates, has warned that the new “KORUS” free trade agreement between the two countries will cost hundreds of thousands of jobs. The agreement was rushed through the Korean parliament in a hastily-convened session designed to catch opposition parties off-guard and minimise the possibility for public reaction.
EU-India deal could spell disaster
As the Eighth Ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organisation kicked off in Geneva this week, a group of NGOs exposed the devastating potential of a free trade agreement currently being negotiated between the European Union and India. If passed, they say the deal would make a mockery of all WTO rules and regulations.
STOP TPPA negotiations
Sign on to reach the goal of 25,000 signatures before 26 December 2011
NGO asks European Commission not to push India to accept IP provisions in EU-India FTA
As the 14th round of negotiations on the EU-India free trade agreement is held in Delhi, an NGO working in the health sector has urged the European Union not to push India to accept IP provisions in the deal
Labor, environmental activists to protest World Bank’s CAFTA tribunal
Tomorrow, the AFL-CIO will join the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) and activists from a range of labor and environmental groups to converge on the World Bank headquarters in Washington, D.C., for a noon protest in opposition to a CAFTA case being brought against the Salvadoran government by Pacific Rim.