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The struggle of small-scale fishers in Indonesia
Indonesia is a country that is particularly active and aggressive in negotiating free trade and investment agreements. The food industry, notably fisheries, is often threatened by such agreements.
How the toxic EU-Mercosur deal will undermine Brazil’s climate & deforestation goals
While the Amazon passes irreversible environmental tipping points and new toxic chemicals leave a trail of contamination, the European Union is actively signing away more of the planet and people in the lethal EU-Mercosur free trade agreement.
EU-Mercosur: Banned pesticides found on Brazilian limes in EU
A Greenpeace Germany study of Brazilian limes sold in the EU has found residues of several pesticides, some of them banned for use in Europe.
The EU-Mercosur joint instrument fails to pass the EU’s own sustainability tests
A recent leak of the European Commission’s additional instrument of the EU-Mercosur trade deal fails to meet the criteria outlined in the Commission’s own Trade and Sustainable Development review.
This CPTPP trade deal will hurt the climate, and for what?
Britain is waving through an agreement with minimal benefit and greater risks, from palm oil to emissions.
Breaking: Civil society denounce leaked joint instrument on EU-Mercosur deal as blatant greenwashing
Documents leaked reveal that the EU-Mercosur deal’s proposed annex, supposedly intended to safeguard the environment, climate and human rights, does nothing to achieve this.
EU-Mercosur FTA: Joint instrument (EU proposal, Feb 2023)
As leaked by Friends of the Earth Europe, Ecologistas en Acción, European Coordination Via Campesina, Collectif national Stop CETA-Mercosur, Aitec, PowerShift e.V. Germany, Handel Anders.
Position paper on pure food and genetic modification
Ngā Toki Whakarururanga believes IPEF provisions would cut across the rights, interests, duties and responsibilities of Indigenous Peoples throughout the region.
IPEF is only to save US corporations from crisis while continue to eliminate people’s rights
Indonesian Civil Society held a protest today in front of the US Embassy in Jakarta to express its rejection of the IPEF. In the midst of the global economic crisis, the US is trying to rebuild its national industrialisation with a less open free trade agreement and push for policy harmonisation based on US standards.
Ecuador-Canada Free Trade Agreement: a new attack on communities, Indigenous peoples, and the environment
A Free Trade Agreement between Ecuador and Canada is not in the interests of Indigenous peoples, territories or the environment. The FTA will only be another instrument of corporate power, wielded by the national elites to deepen the rationale for devastation.
Mercosur files
Despite the ongoing devastation, and with the Amazon likely at an irreversible environmental tipping point, the European Union continues to push for a free trade agreement with Mercosur which would increase the pressure on the region.
There are many ways to rebuild Brazil: EU-Mercosur trade deal is not one of them
It is time to fundamentally change trade relations to put the environment, climate and human rights at the centre and dismantle the legacy of neo-colonial economics.
France awaits climate progress in EU-Mercosur talks -agriculture minister
France is waiting to see if Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s return to power in Brazil will allow progress on climate and deforestation issues that remain red lines for Paris in any EU-Mercosur trade deal, its agriculture minister said.
CCAJAR calls for the elimination of investor-state dispute settlement mechanisms in “free trade” agreements
Colombia is now facing thirteen investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) claims in process and eight more in initial stages that total an estimated USD $2 billion.
Manifesto for an ecosocial energy transition from the Peoples of the South
A new manifesto critiques the "clean energy" transitions of the Global North and offers an alternative vision from the Global South.
Without public participation, the Indonesia-EU CEPA negotiations potentially create a multidimensional crisis in Indonesia
The Indonesian CSOs assesses that the I-EU CEPA Agreement will deepen the crisis of democracy, climate and social justice for all Indonesian people. For this reason, the MKE Coalition urges the Government of Indonesia to not submitting the agreement before they can guarantee legal certainty for the fulfillment of democratic rights, guarantees for the protection of human rights, social justice, and sustainable environment.
Sunak ‘risks full-scale trade war’ with Brussels by scrapping EU laws
The UK’s plan to lower standards in areas such as environmental protection and workers’ rights could breach “level playing field” provisions that were at the heart of the post-Brexit trade and cooperation agreement, say EU politicians.
Not just about trade
The FTA aims to increase trade in products known for their harmful impact on people and forests, which is incompatible with the transition to a just and green economy.
French MEPs concerned over EU-Mercosur deal amid regional push
The EU-Mercosur deal is edging closer to implementation, with the region’s leaders, including Brazil’s freshly elected President Lula, pushing for swift ratification. However, French EU lawmakers reiterated concerns over environmental standards.
Climate, labour remain knotty issues in EU FTA
Several knotty issues related to labour, environment and sustainability that have emerged in negotiations between India and the European Union on a free trade agreement will require political guidance for further progress