The Hill Times
New Ambassador Hanna-Leena Korteniemi says CETA is a ’standing speaking point’ for Finland to its EU counterparts.
The Economic Times
The five Nordic countries of Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland and Sweden have pitched for a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with India to increase business ties.
Indian Express
Entangled in a protracted tax mess in the country, Nokia has said that it would like to address the issue under the bilateral investment treaty between Finland and India, sources told The Indian Express.
Helsingin Sanomat
Russia’s accession into the World Trade Organisation next summer will bring Finnish export companies annual savings worth up to hundreds of millions of euros. However, Finland has its sights already set on the next target: the establishment of a free trade zone between Russia and the European Union.
Helsingin Sanomat
Finland’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Alexander Stubb has proposed a common free trade zone for the European Union and the United States and a kind of marriage counselling for the two.
The Statesman
Even as India works towards an India-European Union economic partnership agreement, bilateral relations with Finland need to be strengthened with greater contact between the people of the two countries, the Union commerce and trade minister, Mr Kamal Nath said.