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S. Korea strikes economic partnership deal with Georgia
South Korea has struck an economic partnership agreement (EPA) with Georgia, while some agricultural products are excluded, the FTA is expected to boost bilateral trade and position South Korea as a gateway to the Caucasus region.
Georgia, South Korea finalise economic partnership agreement in Tbilisi meeting
Georgian and South Korean officials held the final round of talks for an economic partnership agreement, resulting in agreement on “key areas” including trade in goods and services, intellectual property rights and customs.
UAE-Georgia FTA (2023)
Georgia and Hungary sign investment protection agreement
This agreement aims to boost trade and economic cooperation between the two nations and create new opportunities for bilateral investment.
Georgia-UAE comprehensive economic partnership agreement takes effect
The agreement on a comprehensive economic partnership between Georgia and the United Arab Emirates, which provides for the liberalization of products and services produced in Georgia, entered into force.
Georgia-South Korea hold second round of talks for economic partnership agreement
Georgian and South Korean officials held a second round of talks to negotiate an economic partnership agreement, resulting in “positive” evaluations and deals on “key issues”.
Georgia-India FTA talks may begin post-elections
Georgia has formally approached the government of India to initiate negotiations toward a bilateral free trade agreement, according to a knowledgeable source.
Korea, Georgia kick off new round of trade talks
Korea and Georgia kicked off another round of talks for a comprehensive economic partnership on trade and supply chains.
Korea, Georgia launch negotiations for economic partnership
Korea’s trade ministry said it has agreed with Georgia to officially launch negotiations for a comprehensive economic partnership on trade and supply chains.
UAE signs CEPA with Georgia, deal to come into effect in Q1-24
The UAE and the Republic of Georgia have signed a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement. The UAE is preparing to conclude CEPAs with six more countries.
Georgia, Israel discuss further improving bilateral ties in various fields
Negotiations on Free Trade Agreement to start in 2024, reveals Georgian premier.
S. Korea, Georgia share consensus on seeking economic partnership agreement
South Korea and Georgia shared the consensus on seeking an economic partnership agreement (EPA) to boost bilateral ties, the finance ministry said.
Georgian FM, Israeli Economy Minister review cooperation, economic ties
Bilateral and multilateral cooperation involving Georgia and Israel, and economic ties between the countries were discussed on Tuesday. The officials signed a joint declaration on the completion of the feasibility study on the free trade agreement between the two countries.
Georgia and the UAE strike free-trade deal after just three rounds of talks
The UAE and Georgia have agreed a new trade deal which will see the reduction of tariffs and the removal of other barriers as the two countries seek to boost economic ties.
Georgia, UAE hold second round of comprehensive economic cooperation talks
Georgia and the United Arab Emirates have held the second round of negotiations on a comprehensive economic cooperation agreement between the countries as part of a visit of Georgian officials, in Dubai.
Georgia and Korea to start free trade talks in 2023
The parties agreed to implement“relevant internal state procedures as soon as possible’ to start negotiations on the actual agreement, with the first round of talks planned for 2023.
Georgia, UAE launch first round of free trade talks
Georgia and the United Arab Emirates have launched the first round of talks for establishing a free trade agreement between them as part of a visit of UAE officials in capital Tbilisi.
UAE economic delegation led by Ahmed Al Sayegh visits Georgia
Bilateral negotiations on a comprehensive economic partnership agreement are to begin by the end of September 2022.
Georgia, Turkey talk expanding free trade agreement
Georgia and Turkey agreed on discussing further liberalization of tariffs and trade in services.
Georgia, US seek to conclude direct free trade agreement
Georgia hopes that the free trade agreement with the US will have progress under the new US administration, said Deputy Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development.